It's mid-December and almost Christmas in condoville but you wouldn't believe it. In past years we always had a beautiful and tasteful display of white twinkling lights in the middle treed and green area dividing the two condo buildings. It matched all the other very bright and twinkling displays of the other condo apartments. This year, however, and for whatever reason - money springs to mind - the powers-that-be at the condo association decided that our light display was excessive and unnecessary.
In a note posted near the elevator and surrounding area, they offered the explanation that there will soon be the expediture of a new roof. Not mentioned by the association is the rumored two figures, a comma and four-zeros amount spent this fall on the new placette or small landscaped over-look with a view of the pool and the nearby river. The old version which dated back to the 1980's built with wood and surrounded with shrbbery, finally started disintegrating. Its replacement is a modern, visually-stunning, IMHO, approach with large patio tiles replacing wooden railway ties leading up to the placette along with a stone placed layout. In the Spring a plexiglass railing will complete the look. As mentioned, the replacement came at a steep-ish price. There is grumbling among some condo owners that the old look was nicer while the newer and frequently younger condovillers like the updating. It will be interesting to get a more overall opinion of the end result once the news gets out about the cost. There most likely will be a heated discussion but the job is finished so what else is there to say?
To get back to the Christmas light display, this year in a cost-saving move, three live fir (Christmas) trees were put up in the landscaped, middle treed area facing the streetbetween the two condo buildings. The trees are - well - sort of lacking in thickness and branches...sort-of Charlie Brown-ish... and are decorated with blechy-colored mundane lights i.e. red, green, yellow, etc. etc. On top of which the stringed lights barely cover the branches. Quite an about-face after the beautiful display in past years. The general concensus among people I've spoken with is that it's lacking - let's leave it at that. To add insult to injury, there's an electrical short in the light timer causing them to work on a 5-minutes-on/5-minutes-off interval throughout the night. It's akin to living accross the street from an all-night diner that stays open all night i.e. they're on - no - they're off...etc. etc.
Given the current money-saving atmosphere, the trees will probably be down in a week into the new year. The memory of the holiday lights will be forgotten for a year at least until the annual condo meeting in the Spring. The agenda will include the the renovated placette and the re-painting of the swimming pool. Did I mention that they still didn't re-paint the slippery surface of the pool in autumn. Well they didn't. If there's one subject that gets condovillers riled up it's the pool but even that will be replaced with the smell and noise of the new roof.
Condoville Art Display
A taste of my artistry
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Fall back
A quiet has fallen over condoville. They closed our pool this weekend and stopped the pump filter that cleans the water. Also blocked the steps leading to the pool. This means that the pool contents are now a mixture of pool water and whatever other liquid falls in. Still, someone or some people decided to use it anyway. Yuck! Ducks have been known to fly in for a quick swim on occasion. Surprising that the water hasn't been drained, yet, but given how long it took for the company that services the pool to paint it in Spring, not surprising.
The condoville association decided to buy two miniature fir trees in containers as winter decoration to replace the Spathiphyllum or Peace Lily. The peace lilies are okay as indoor house plants but they're very blah as outdoor decoration. Nobody seems to know where the summer plants will be stored. Maybe upstairs in the party room...or exercise room... As for the spruce trees, they could be used for Christmas decorations one assumes... Anything to save a buck.
Started a new canvas last week. I use the kitchen table as a painting surface and cover the it with a plastic picnic tablecloth I bought on sale for a dollar. Cover the granite counters with large plastic garbage bags and put my painting equipment on top. Spacially tight but an artist has to do what an artist has to do and where there's a will, there's a way. Now storage is another whole thing and at some point I'm going to run out of space. What I need is a studio... Every spark of an idea has to begin with a dream, right?
The condoville association decided to buy two miniature fir trees in containers as winter decoration to replace the Spathiphyllum or Peace Lily. The peace lilies are okay as indoor house plants but they're very blah as outdoor decoration. Nobody seems to know where the summer plants will be stored. Maybe upstairs in the party room...or exercise room... As for the spruce trees, they could be used for Christmas decorations one assumes... Anything to save a buck.
Started a new canvas last week. I use the kitchen table as a painting surface and cover the it with a plastic picnic tablecloth I bought on sale for a dollar. Cover the granite counters with large plastic garbage bags and put my painting equipment on top. Spacially tight but an artist has to do what an artist has to do and where there's a will, there's a way. Now storage is another whole thing and at some point I'm going to run out of space. What I need is a studio... Every spark of an idea has to begin with a dream, right?
Thursday, September 2, 2010
A pool of discontent
This has been a really hot summer, the type of summer that reminds people of their past with fondness.
"Remember when we were (insert year or age) and it was so hot that... (insert personal recollection)?"
It's surprising, then, that more people didn't use the pool to cool off. In the morning the pool was busy with a dozen or so lap swimmers in addition to Ms. Cruela deVile and her aqua fitness ladies twice per week, while the afternoon hours were used sparsely by condo-villers mainly to stand around, gossip and dunk intermittantly. However, problems arose when some of the morning lap swimmers made it known that they required the entire length of the pool to extend their lap swimming into the afternoon. Not surprisingly, this did not go over well with the leisure dunk-and-dippers who expressed the opinion that they had the right to do nothing if they so desired and stand motionless anywhere in the pool they damn well feel like it.
"We need lanes!" one of the lap swimmers pleaded her case. "Why can't people just stand on the side until we finish?"
"Did you do your laps this morning?" I questioned, to which she responded affirmatively. "You can't regulate where people can stand in the pool! Why don't you do laps on the side of the pool?"
A look of horror crossed her face.
"We need room to do strokes!" she went on, "and not run into people standing around!"
"Exactly!" I responded. "Just move to the side and everyone will be happy."
Another issue this summer for some people were splashers, the ordinary folk who splash when they kick while swimming, or diving in the pool or children having fun.
"Why do they have to splash everywehre?" one of the anti-splashers asked to which I answered: "why are you in a pool, then? You can't get wetter-than-wet!"
A condo-viller made a request, would you believe, to have the diving board removed so that she would have more room to do laps. It's true!
"They can dive off the side," she concluded.
The pool will be closed this weekend, which will end the bickering - for this year. Heaven knows what they'll come up with next summer.
"Remember when we were (insert year or age) and it was so hot that... (insert personal recollection)?"
It's surprising, then, that more people didn't use the pool to cool off. In the morning the pool was busy with a dozen or so lap swimmers in addition to Ms. Cruela deVile and her aqua fitness ladies twice per week, while the afternoon hours were used sparsely by condo-villers mainly to stand around, gossip and dunk intermittantly. However, problems arose when some of the morning lap swimmers made it known that they required the entire length of the pool to extend their lap swimming into the afternoon. Not surprisingly, this did not go over well with the leisure dunk-and-dippers who expressed the opinion that they had the right to do nothing if they so desired and stand motionless anywhere in the pool they damn well feel like it.
"We need lanes!" one of the lap swimmers pleaded her case. "Why can't people just stand on the side until we finish?"
"Did you do your laps this morning?" I questioned, to which she responded affirmatively. "You can't regulate where people can stand in the pool! Why don't you do laps on the side of the pool?"
A look of horror crossed her face.
"We need room to do strokes!" she went on, "and not run into people standing around!"
"Exactly!" I responded. "Just move to the side and everyone will be happy."
Another issue this summer for some people were splashers, the ordinary folk who splash when they kick while swimming, or diving in the pool or children having fun.
"Why do they have to splash everywehre?" one of the anti-splashers asked to which I answered: "why are you in a pool, then? You can't get wetter-than-wet!"
A condo-viller made a request, would you believe, to have the diving board removed so that she would have more room to do laps. It's true!
"They can dive off the side," she concluded.
The pool will be closed this weekend, which will end the bickering - for this year. Heaven knows what they'll come up with next summer.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
The fall party...yawn...
In the end the fall party-in-the-park was - well - kind of borrrrring. The evening was on the cool-ish side and there were definite hints of autumn in the air. Even though the affair wasn't called to start until 7:00 p.m. people started drifting over at 6:00 p.m. I mean, what is so attractive about hotdogs and corn? Okay. So it's "free" but one would think that they were serving filet mignon or lobsters and not weiners!
So we arrived at 7:05 p.m. because honestly couldn't see any logical reason to arrive earlier. The lineup to get hotdogs was long and the corn was still bubbling away in a huge vat. After all - people didn't want to starve or anything while they wait! Some of our fellow condo-villers and pool pals saved us a table away from the main crowd, since the few picnic tables set up were filled. As usual the one-man - actually two-man this year - band had set up early and were busy playing your usual 'cha-cha's' and popular spanish songs, along with the ever-popular Barry Manilow's, "Copacabana."
The hotdogs were actually cooked this year unlike last summer when they were cold and semi-raw. The big attraction, however, was the hot corn-on-the-cob and people filled their plates with two and three corns along with healthy blobs of butter sliding accross the surface. Let's put it this way: there was a lot of shiny lips. The problem with corn is that although it is delicious, it's almost impossible to extricates from between the teeth. There is also no way to pick one's teeth with one's nail that is socially acceptable so I passed on the corn. It doesn't mean that much to me. Word had it that the corn disappeared quickly as did the mini danish for dessert. The topic of conversation at least at our table were the rumors of romantic liasons between certain condo-villers or at least knowing looks between certain people. Of course, the pool and the ever-changing temps was also the focus of conversation.
Once the mosquitos made their presence known and the food was consumed, people began drifting away. Although there were door prizes, many of the winners had already left, which pleased those that remained since more numbers were pulled. As usual, we didn't win and then left the park to the mosquitos and avid samba enthusiasts. The sounds of disco filled the air until exact 11 p.m. after which the party season was over for another year.
Pool attendance has been sparse these days even though the days have been very comfortable. Perhaps the snowbirds are busy planning their Florida sojourns or maybe people had their fill of the water. There are still complaints of visiting children splashing the regulars to which they are reminded that pool=water=wet. Some people are never happy and in any case, the pool closes on Labor Day. Guaranteed that will be a reason for further complaints.
So we arrived at 7:05 p.m. because honestly couldn't see any logical reason to arrive earlier. The lineup to get hotdogs was long and the corn was still bubbling away in a huge vat. After all - people didn't want to starve or anything while they wait! Some of our fellow condo-villers and pool pals saved us a table away from the main crowd, since the few picnic tables set up were filled. As usual the one-man - actually two-man this year - band had set up early and were busy playing your usual 'cha-cha's' and popular spanish songs, along with the ever-popular Barry Manilow's, "Copacabana."
The hotdogs were actually cooked this year unlike last summer when they were cold and semi-raw. The big attraction, however, was the hot corn-on-the-cob and people filled their plates with two and three corns along with healthy blobs of butter sliding accross the surface. Let's put it this way: there was a lot of shiny lips. The problem with corn is that although it is delicious, it's almost impossible to extricates from between the teeth. There is also no way to pick one's teeth with one's nail that is socially acceptable so I passed on the corn. It doesn't mean that much to me. Word had it that the corn disappeared quickly as did the mini danish for dessert. The topic of conversation at least at our table were the rumors of romantic liasons between certain condo-villers or at least knowing looks between certain people. Of course, the pool and the ever-changing temps was also the focus of conversation.
Once the mosquitos made their presence known and the food was consumed, people began drifting away. Although there were door prizes, many of the winners had already left, which pleased those that remained since more numbers were pulled. As usual, we didn't win and then left the park to the mosquitos and avid samba enthusiasts. The sounds of disco filled the air until exact 11 p.m. after which the party season was over for another year.
Pool attendance has been sparse these days even though the days have been very comfortable. Perhaps the snowbirds are busy planning their Florida sojourns or maybe people had their fill of the water. There are still complaints of visiting children splashing the regulars to which they are reminded that pool=water=wet. Some people are never happy and in any case, the pool closes on Labor Day. Guaranteed that will be a reason for further complaints.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Walking tour of condoville
Yet another crisis in condoville this week. As Roseanne Roseannadanna used to say: it's always something. It's a crisis when related to the pool and once again the heater was down. There were a few cool evenings causing the water temperature to drop substantially. Predictably, this did not go over well with the morning regulars.
"The water was so cold this morning," one of the lap swimmers complained. "It's ridiculous having to swim in an unheated pool," she railed on, placing the blame on the condo association trying to save money. I suppose it's a possibility but not likely. I'm sure the condo pool committee don't appreciate phone calls at all hours and having to listen to pool regulars rant and rave about water temps. Officially, the pool heater was broken but Ms morning swimmer wasn't convinced and believes a plot is afoot. Whatever... Okay - so the water temperature was 74F instead of the usual 83F but there are worse things in life! Things are now back to normal and the water is a comfortable 80F although there is grumbling that it should be at least 82F. Still more complaints about swimmers splashing while doing their strokes. I mean, the only way to avoid getting splashed is to stay out of the pool. Gimme a break!
A familiar voice stopped me in my tracks while passing the pool on my way for a walk. It was the familiar and melodious sound of Ms Aqua Fitness Cruela Deville shouting out instructions to her willing aqua fitness slaves.
"Take your noodles and place them under your arms!" Cruela barked out in addition to yelling out other commands. After 5 minutes of listening to her and the delighted reaction of the participants who actually appeared to enjoy her screeching, the memory of our short and not-so-sweet work-out sessions compelled me to depart.
The river has receded considerably due to the unseasonably hot summer this season with huge boulders jutting out at the shore line. Living in an area near a river with lots of greenery and trees in addition to a walking path, we are partners with wild life that call the area home. Spotted two small pond turtles sunning themselves on a boulder and a huge groundhog ran accross the path in front of me. Ducks are in abundance and most of them seem able to withstand a frigid cold Canadian winter. ,Most likely they manage to survive with the help of human handouts.
Next week is the autumn party in the park accross the street. Gotta remember to bring along tooth picks this time since corn on the cob is on the menu. Not socially acceptance to pick out the kernels with one's finger. Actually, not much better to pick one's teeth with tooth picks either.
"The water was so cold this morning," one of the lap swimmers complained. "It's ridiculous having to swim in an unheated pool," she railed on, placing the blame on the condo association trying to save money. I suppose it's a possibility but not likely. I'm sure the condo pool committee don't appreciate phone calls at all hours and having to listen to pool regulars rant and rave about water temps. Officially, the pool heater was broken but Ms morning swimmer wasn't convinced and believes a plot is afoot. Whatever... Okay - so the water temperature was 74F instead of the usual 83F but there are worse things in life! Things are now back to normal and the water is a comfortable 80F although there is grumbling that it should be at least 82F. Still more complaints about swimmers splashing while doing their strokes. I mean, the only way to avoid getting splashed is to stay out of the pool. Gimme a break!
A familiar voice stopped me in my tracks while passing the pool on my way for a walk. It was the familiar and melodious sound of Ms Aqua Fitness Cruela Deville shouting out instructions to her willing aqua fitness slaves.
"Take your noodles and place them under your arms!" Cruela barked out in addition to yelling out other commands. After 5 minutes of listening to her and the delighted reaction of the participants who actually appeared to enjoy her screeching, the memory of our short and not-so-sweet work-out sessions compelled me to depart.
The river has receded considerably due to the unseasonably hot summer this season with huge boulders jutting out at the shore line. Living in an area near a river with lots of greenery and trees in addition to a walking path, we are partners with wild life that call the area home. Spotted two small pond turtles sunning themselves on a boulder and a huge groundhog ran accross the path in front of me. Ducks are in abundance and most of them seem able to withstand a frigid cold Canadian winter. ,Most likely they manage to survive with the help of human handouts.
Next week is the autumn party in the park accross the street. Gotta remember to bring along tooth picks this time since corn on the cob is on the menu. Not socially acceptance to pick out the kernels with one's finger. Actually, not much better to pick one's teeth with tooth picks either.
pool heater,
swimming pool,
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Late summer observations du jour and the autumn party is a go
Nature has its way of telling we humans that summer is winding down. Given the really hot weather we experienced this season, my balcony flowers really gave a show to be remembered. Okay, so we did switch to one of those super soils that promise lush blooms and this could have helped but more likely the end result was due to lots of sun and heat. The shortage of rain meant a dependence on human intervention and all the flower boxes, urns and hanging plants received watering twice per day. Every morning and evening I brought out four 2-litre soft drink bottles filled with water and emptied them into the parched soil. The plants thanked me for my attention by providing a visual treat for the eyes. Truly.
In any case the plants are now at the "leggy" stage with lots of stem and leaves and flowering at the top only. Like a faithful servant, I "dead-head" the plants and remove the dead blooms and although there is some new growth, it's obvious their time here on earth is winding down. So depressing but natural.
Notices have been posted our autumn party-in-the-park will take place in late August. This is the one that is always well attended since hot, boiled corn is on the menu and hot dogs. Usually, the hot dogs aren't really cooked enough but hungry mouths demand to be fed and the people are impatient!
The talk around the pool has turned to wintering in Florida, yet another sign that summer is over. Location of winter condos has replaced the pool temperature discussion and less people are coming down to lounge. There are the usual complaints voiced about how some people splash when they swim. Duh! Water=swimming=splashing.
It's raining today. It will rain tomorrow and the next day too. Good. More river bank is showing and the ducks need water to swim. Did I mention that our ducks stay over for the winter but that's cold weather talk.
In any case the plants are now at the "leggy" stage with lots of stem and leaves and flowering at the top only. Like a faithful servant, I "dead-head" the plants and remove the dead blooms and although there is some new growth, it's obvious their time here on earth is winding down. So depressing but natural.
Notices have been posted our autumn party-in-the-park will take place in late August. This is the one that is always well attended since hot, boiled corn is on the menu and hot dogs. Usually, the hot dogs aren't really cooked enough but hungry mouths demand to be fed and the people are impatient!
The talk around the pool has turned to wintering in Florida, yet another sign that summer is over. Location of winter condos has replaced the pool temperature discussion and less people are coming down to lounge. There are the usual complaints voiced about how some people splash when they swim. Duh! Water=swimming=splashing.
It's raining today. It will rain tomorrow and the next day too. Good. More river bank is showing and the ducks need water to swim. Did I mention that our ducks stay over for the winter but that's cold weather talk.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Of painted balconies, flowers and the pool
Summer is at the mid-way point and there are signs that preparations are afoot for the oncoming autumn. All the condo-villers were advised that the cement ceilings of the balconies are to be painted. Really, visually they look okay to me, as does their neutral beige shade but obviously there must be more to it than visual appeal. Perhaps the coats of paint protect the cement or something. Anyway...this means that we have to take down our three hanging plants and hooks. Mr. Don't-Hold-My-Legs will be standing on a chair and doing the honors as I watch and offer helpful suggestions like "don't you want me to hold on to your legs?" and "be careful - you could fall!" Important things like that. Speaking of flowers, this was truly a bumper year for all my plants including those in the flower boxes and urns. They all have to be moved to allow for the ladders and balcony painters. The hanging plants don't like it when their hanging parts are squished on the ground level so some will succumb and break off. Oh well - won't be long before they will meet their maker so-to-speak since the plants and earth are emptied on to the bank of the river. There's something very poetic about that act me thinks.
Divine day at the pool. Perfect weather for lounging with gusty winds that allowed for short periods of tanning. Didn't go in the water but everyone who did says the water temperature was fantastic. I'll take their word for it. Finished my Monday New York Times crossword puzzle. Monday is a "do-able" puzzle as is Tuesday but by Friday, I'm at the dozen word stage. Sometimes I don't even understand the clues, never mind fill in the squares. Listened to music on my ear phones and heard one of my all-time favorite songs, "Solsbury Hill" by Peter Gabriel. I like! Is there anything better than the summer time and listening to oldies music by a swimming pool?
Once August rolls around, preparations get under way for the autumn version of the party in the park. This time 'round they will be serving up freshly boiled corn, hot dogs, wine/soft drink, dessert. The fall party is always better attended than the Spring one, for one reason or another. The usual DJ will do his version of Barry Manilow's greatest hits and break out with an occasional Lady GaGa, along with many Latin dances, always popular. Hips will sway, bums will wiggle and feet will go along for the ride.
Will be checking out the ducks tonight during a walk on the path near the river and hoping for a woodchuck sighting. Life is good.
Divine day at the pool. Perfect weather for lounging with gusty winds that allowed for short periods of tanning. Didn't go in the water but everyone who did says the water temperature was fantastic. I'll take their word for it. Finished my Monday New York Times crossword puzzle. Monday is a "do-able" puzzle as is Tuesday but by Friday, I'm at the dozen word stage. Sometimes I don't even understand the clues, never mind fill in the squares. Listened to music on my ear phones and heard one of my all-time favorite songs, "Solsbury Hill" by Peter Gabriel. I like! Is there anything better than the summer time and listening to oldies music by a swimming pool?
Once August rolls around, preparations get under way for the autumn version of the party in the park. This time 'round they will be serving up freshly boiled corn, hot dogs, wine/soft drink, dessert. The fall party is always better attended than the Spring one, for one reason or another. The usual DJ will do his version of Barry Manilow's greatest hits and break out with an occasional Lady GaGa, along with many Latin dances, always popular. Hips will sway, bums will wiggle and feet will go along for the ride.
Will be checking out the ducks tonight during a walk on the path near the river and hoping for a woodchuck sighting. Life is good.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Lounging by the slippery pool
It's been a sweltering run of hot weather that has drawn condo-villers to cool off in the pool that was newly painted last month. Thing is the condo board for whatever reason - saving money springs to mind - decided to change the pool company servicing the pool. Not such a smart move. This is the same company that took forever to show up to re-paint the pool interior, which resulted in a late opening. As if this wasn't bad enough, the company used a paint that left the surface slippery. Think of walking on wet tiles and you get the idea. Now the pool is filled and the slippery situation was brought to the attention of the condo administration, who in turn responded by adding large black mats at the bottom of the pool in the shallow end and all along the wall. Looks kind of - well - dumb-ish. Thing is, the rest of the pool surface is still slippery and one can only hope that they won't line the entire pool with black mats. Anything is possible...
Some kids visiting the pool unaware of the pool rules one assumes, and who inadvertantly brought water toys in the pool, were quickly advised by an administrator that this was a no-no. Their protective grandmother who happened to be watching nearby, took personal umbrage and proceeded to express her unhappiness loudly and vociferously to the administrator in no uncertain terms.
"What kind of pool is this?" she yelled out so that everyone could hear, going on a rant for a good five minutes. "Children have to play! This isn't a jail!" In the end it didn't do any good and they played with those syrofoam noodles for the remainder of their stay in the pool. I think it bothered the grandmother more than it did the kids.
There are only three round tables with umbrellas, located in primo locations. The thing to do now especially given the strong summer sun is to arrive early at the pool, plop towels and other pool-related accessories on the table and chairs to reserve the spot early as in 1:00 p.m., before people start arriving. So far no one has challenged the reserve-ists as to their practice but we'll see if anyone says anything before the season ends. It's not really fair.
As always the pool temperature is a hot topic in the true sense of the word. Some people prefer the water temp on the cooler side at 79(!)F while others want it kept at 83F. Given the air temperature, which has been hovering at 9oF, the pool water has been a constant 84F. Everyone has an opinion ranging from, "too warm - it's like taking a bath!" to "perfect temperature!" I tend to fall into the latter category.
Nothing like lounging on a noodle while listening to the speed boats race by on the river and to people quibble about the water temperature. Life is good.
Some kids visiting the pool unaware of the pool rules one assumes, and who inadvertantly brought water toys in the pool, were quickly advised by an administrator that this was a no-no. Their protective grandmother who happened to be watching nearby, took personal umbrage and proceeded to express her unhappiness loudly and vociferously to the administrator in no uncertain terms.
"What kind of pool is this?" she yelled out so that everyone could hear, going on a rant for a good five minutes. "Children have to play! This isn't a jail!" In the end it didn't do any good and they played with those syrofoam noodles for the remainder of their stay in the pool. I think it bothered the grandmother more than it did the kids.
There are only three round tables with umbrellas, located in primo locations. The thing to do now especially given the strong summer sun is to arrive early at the pool, plop towels and other pool-related accessories on the table and chairs to reserve the spot early as in 1:00 p.m., before people start arriving. So far no one has challenged the reserve-ists as to their practice but we'll see if anyone says anything before the season ends. It's not really fair.
As always the pool temperature is a hot topic in the true sense of the word. Some people prefer the water temp on the cooler side at 79(!)F while others want it kept at 83F. Given the air temperature, which has been hovering at 9oF, the pool water has been a constant 84F. Everyone has an opinion ranging from, "too warm - it's like taking a bath!" to "perfect temperature!" I tend to fall into the latter category.
Nothing like lounging on a noodle while listening to the speed boats race by on the river and to people quibble about the water temperature. Life is good.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Sappy days of summer
This week a tragedy struck the condo-villers. To most people it's a minor inconvenience but for the morning group who swim laps, the break down of the pool heater was intolerable. Being that the temperature was on the cool side having to swim in cool-ish water in cool air temperature did not go over well.
There was a sign posted near the elevator advising everyone of the situation.
"The pool heater is broken" was all it said. So the topic of conversation in the elevator was speculation as to when it would be fixed. For the die-hard morning group, swimming in an unheated pool wasn't a deterrent and in fact it became a badge of courage.
"Did you hear the pool heater is broken?" a member of the group commented, as the elevator ascended to our floors.
"Downer," I commented. "You swim every morning so it must be really bothersome."
"Oh no - that doesn't stop me!" she replied proudly. "I swim anyway. Once you're in - the water is fine."
If you don't mind numb body parts, the water was acceptable, but I told her I would wait until the heater is fixed.
It took a week for the heater to be fixed and now everything is back to normal. The aqua fitness gang do their thing twice per week although I'm not sure if it's Ms Aqua Fitness Cruela de Ville is leading them into sessions of pain, since there is no sign of her melodious voice bouncing off the condo building walls. Have to check that out. During the afternoon some of the "regular" condo-villers drop by for a quick tan and gossip updates and a dip in the pool.
The big topic under discussion these days is the road work going on in the area. They're re-surfacing the access roads and driving is limited to cars having to share one lane on one side of the bridge. As expected, some people end up driving on the wrong side with cars facing each other. Lots of complaints but the job is almost completed at least in one area. Meanwhile, the other bridge is scheduled to be demolished and re-built this fall and winter. Makes for good complaint material for discussions.
There was a sign posted near the elevator advising everyone of the situation.
"The pool heater is broken" was all it said. So the topic of conversation in the elevator was speculation as to when it would be fixed. For the die-hard morning group, swimming in an unheated pool wasn't a deterrent and in fact it became a badge of courage.
"Did you hear the pool heater is broken?" a member of the group commented, as the elevator ascended to our floors.
"Downer," I commented. "You swim every morning so it must be really bothersome."
"Oh no - that doesn't stop me!" she replied proudly. "I swim anyway. Once you're in - the water is fine."
If you don't mind numb body parts, the water was acceptable, but I told her I would wait until the heater is fixed.
It took a week for the heater to be fixed and now everything is back to normal. The aqua fitness gang do their thing twice per week although I'm not sure if it's Ms Aqua Fitness Cruela de Ville is leading them into sessions of pain, since there is no sign of her melodious voice bouncing off the condo building walls. Have to check that out. During the afternoon some of the "regular" condo-villers drop by for a quick tan and gossip updates and a dip in the pool.
The big topic under discussion these days is the road work going on in the area. They're re-surfacing the access roads and driving is limited to cars having to share one lane on one side of the bridge. As expected, some people end up driving on the wrong side with cars facing each other. Lots of complaints but the job is almost completed at least in one area. Meanwhile, the other bridge is scheduled to be demolished and re-built this fall and winter. Makes for good complaint material for discussions.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Party time in the park
For once the weather was perfect for an outdoor party with clear skies, a light summer breeze and 70-ish temperature. Every year, twice per year actually, the five condo building associations on the island throw a party in the park accross the street.
The park, owned by the associations, is huge with perfectly maintained tennis courts, a small putting green for desperate golfers or children that could use re-surfacing, a well-equipped children's play area with swings, and some shuffle board courts. All this and beautifully maintained and visually pleasing grounds.
The parties are by invitation only limited to condo owners. Usually there is a good turnout since there is food, which is always a draw, and party sandwiches are the main course at the welcome-summer-party, while the fall fete includes hot corn on the cob and hotdogs. Always amazes me how people suddenly turn into a frenzied mass of unfed animals where there is food, jostling and pushing in line lest they run out. The "hot" item was pizza and people rushede in line to ensure they get a slice. Like they've never eaten pizza before! Throughout the evening a DJ played music ranging from Lady GaGa to Barry Manilow although participants were few and far between. A few hours into the party and tickets were drawn for prizes. As usual we didn't win while the group at the table next to us took home two gifts. Once the prizes were depleted and the DJ had played "Mandy" too often plus the mosquitos made themselves felt, people started drifting back to their condo buildings.
The strains of the music from the one-man-band DJ drifted through the quiet summer air until 11 p.m. while we watched the evening news reports on the Gulf oil spill and the ensuing repercussions feeling somewhat guilty.
The park, owned by the associations, is huge with perfectly maintained tennis courts, a small putting green for desperate golfers or children that could use re-surfacing, a well-equipped children's play area with swings, and some shuffle board courts. All this and beautifully maintained and visually pleasing grounds.
The parties are by invitation only limited to condo owners. Usually there is a good turnout since there is food, which is always a draw, and party sandwiches are the main course at the welcome-summer-party, while the fall fete includes hot corn on the cob and hotdogs. Always amazes me how people suddenly turn into a frenzied mass of unfed animals where there is food, jostling and pushing in line lest they run out. The "hot" item was pizza and people rushede in line to ensure they get a slice. Like they've never eaten pizza before! Throughout the evening a DJ played music ranging from Lady GaGa to Barry Manilow although participants were few and far between. A few hours into the party and tickets were drawn for prizes. As usual we didn't win while the group at the table next to us took home two gifts. Once the prizes were depleted and the DJ had played "Mandy" too often plus the mosquitos made themselves felt, people started drifting back to their condo buildings.
The strains of the music from the one-man-band DJ drifted through the quiet summer air until 11 p.m. while we watched the evening news reports on the Gulf oil spill and the ensuing repercussions feeling somewhat guilty.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Rules rule the pool
It's a beautiful, warm sunny day with nary a cloud in the sky. Birds are in fine form, chirping away while on the river, boat owners take advantage of the perfect conditions moving their water-bound vehicle accross the water leaving ripples in their wake. The newly painted pool is finally open and condo-villers are making use of it. Morning is when the lap swimmers do lengths while the afternoon is for the casual set in designer bathing suits to lounge around the pool.
Interesting that in spite of all the media reports about the danger of skin cancer, there are sun worshippers who are obviously convinced that a tan is preferable to having to go through treatment for cancer. They appear to not be convinced since their solution is to apply sun protection lotion and then broil in the sun for a couple of hours.
While on the elevator, noticed that the power(s)- that-be posted all their rules governing the pool. Lots of "can't do's" like absolutely no water or food whatsoever in the pool area, even though there are three tables and beach umbrellas presumably for this purpose, no toys in the pool (a personal grit-my-teeth rule) and so on. Have to confess that on occasion I bring along a container of apple juice and take an occasional swig hiding my face in my beach bag when nobody is looking. I'm sure somebody is watching, somewhere on their balcony and a rumor will circulate that I'm an alcoholic. One of the strangest rules and it seems applicable in most private pools I've visited, is that swimmers must take a shower before entering the water. There is a big sign posted on the wall between the changing/bathrooms so this must be an important issue. The only logical reason that comes to mind is that this rule was created in case would-be swimmers wear dirty bathing suits and/or don't bathe and thereby could pollute the pool. I mean, why else is this rule applied? The pool thermometer is back hanging from a rope after its disappearance last year. The thermometer is a favorite gathering spot for swimmers and is checked frequently by those who feel the temperature shouldn't be below 80 degrees F. 79 is too cool and 82 is definitely preferable. I'm among the latter.
Aqua fitness should start any time now providing there is enough joiners. I'll know the exact moment when Ms Aqua Fitness Cruela de Ville's lilting voice echoes throughout. I'm sure she means well...then again...
Interesting that in spite of all the media reports about the danger of skin cancer, there are sun worshippers who are obviously convinced that a tan is preferable to having to go through treatment for cancer. They appear to not be convinced since their solution is to apply sun protection lotion and then broil in the sun for a couple of hours.
While on the elevator, noticed that the power(s)- that-be posted all their rules governing the pool. Lots of "can't do's" like absolutely no water or food whatsoever in the pool area, even though there are three tables and beach umbrellas presumably for this purpose, no toys in the pool (a personal grit-my-teeth rule) and so on. Have to confess that on occasion I bring along a container of apple juice and take an occasional swig hiding my face in my beach bag when nobody is looking. I'm sure somebody is watching, somewhere on their balcony and a rumor will circulate that I'm an alcoholic. One of the strangest rules and it seems applicable in most private pools I've visited, is that swimmers must take a shower before entering the water. There is a big sign posted on the wall between the changing/bathrooms so this must be an important issue. The only logical reason that comes to mind is that this rule was created in case would-be swimmers wear dirty bathing suits and/or don't bathe and thereby could pollute the pool. I mean, why else is this rule applied? The pool thermometer is back hanging from a rope after its disappearance last year. The thermometer is a favorite gathering spot for swimmers and is checked frequently by those who feel the temperature shouldn't be below 80 degrees F. 79 is too cool and 82 is definitely preferable. I'm among the latter.
Aqua fitness should start any time now providing there is enough joiners. I'll know the exact moment when Ms Aqua Fitness Cruela de Ville's lilting voice echoes throughout. I'm sure she means well...then again...
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Getting art-sy in condoville and other observations du jour
The neighbors directly above us or maybe not directly above us but somewhere nearby, it's difficult to ascertain the source of the noise, is doing something to their floor. Most likely trading in their carpet for wood floors. Carpets are passe and wood is in. Thing is...there's a lot of noise involved in the preparation and the sound is akin to a dentist filing teeth and the effect is similar. Every time the noise stops, my ears ring in response. Hopefully, the noise will cease soon - it better since condo rules say all work has to stop by 5:00 p.m. Can't wait. Anywaaaay...
It would have been better had the weather cooperated with cool-ish temps and threatening grey skies but the art exhibition went on, regardless. In the end, the guy in charge of getting the show together came through posting notices everywhere in and around condoville a couple of days before the show, on trees and along the walking path near the river. Thing is...he didn't bother advising all of the artists and creative types that there was going to be a show and therefore participants were few and far between. There were approximately six or seven of us: three painting artists, two jewelry creators who did great business - jewelry always sells - and my neighbor down the hall who makes beautiful hand-made dolls. I even sold one of my flower paintings. Also bought a very nice necklace because we artists have to support each other and besides the price was right and I needed a new piece. Still, the show could have still been better if there had been more exhibitors, who in turn would have brought in more visitors. Insert big sigh here. There's always next year. A few of us discussed the idea of changing the venue to the park accross the road. The setting is perfect and I can envision displaying art work and other artistic endeavors in the green space. Even have a name for it already: "Art In the Park." In case of rain, we could have a tent on stand-by. Don't know how well the idea will go over with the powers-that-be since the park is privately owned. Still, it's something worth pursuing.
As the art show went on, the pool was at long last being filled. This was probably more exciting to condo-villers than mere art. One of the administrators cautioned a very avid and anxious swimmer against using the pool since the water heater required time to kick in and the water would be cold. Wanna bet she'll be swimming, anyway? She'll have to wait since the weather forecasters predict a rainy week. Still, can't get wetter than wet...
Next week Ms. Aqa Finess Cruela de Ville will be giving her first class, rain or no rain. Won't be long before her sweet, melodious voice will fill the air counting down numbers, leading the masses in pain and hopefully, some gain. Perhaps I'll lounge on the sidelines and watch and snicker to myself. I'm not into pain.
There's massive re-paving going on in the streets around condoville and only one side of the new bridge is in use and open to traffic. It's like an obstacle course with cones and other construction equipment placed down the middle, not to mention chunks of cement missing from the road surface making driving hazardous - at least for moi.
Meanwhile, new ducklings have made their presence known, swimming behind mom and dad. Amazing how ducklings are born with the ability to swim. Somewhere there are gosslings most likely hidden from the view of prying human eyes.
Summer is the voice of Ms Cruela de Ville...
It would have been better had the weather cooperated with cool-ish temps and threatening grey skies but the art exhibition went on, regardless. In the end, the guy in charge of getting the show together came through posting notices everywhere in and around condoville a couple of days before the show, on trees and along the walking path near the river. Thing is...he didn't bother advising all of the artists and creative types that there was going to be a show and therefore participants were few and far between. There were approximately six or seven of us: three painting artists, two jewelry creators who did great business - jewelry always sells - and my neighbor down the hall who makes beautiful hand-made dolls. I even sold one of my flower paintings. Also bought a very nice necklace because we artists have to support each other and besides the price was right and I needed a new piece. Still, the show could have still been better if there had been more exhibitors, who in turn would have brought in more visitors. Insert big sigh here. There's always next year. A few of us discussed the idea of changing the venue to the park accross the road. The setting is perfect and I can envision displaying art work and other artistic endeavors in the green space. Even have a name for it already: "Art In the Park." In case of rain, we could have a tent on stand-by. Don't know how well the idea will go over with the powers-that-be since the park is privately owned. Still, it's something worth pursuing.
As the art show went on, the pool was at long last being filled. This was probably more exciting to condo-villers than mere art. One of the administrators cautioned a very avid and anxious swimmer against using the pool since the water heater required time to kick in and the water would be cold. Wanna bet she'll be swimming, anyway? She'll have to wait since the weather forecasters predict a rainy week. Still, can't get wetter than wet...
Next week Ms. Aqa Finess Cruela de Ville will be giving her first class, rain or no rain. Won't be long before her sweet, melodious voice will fill the air counting down numbers, leading the masses in pain and hopefully, some gain. Perhaps I'll lounge on the sidelines and watch and snicker to myself. I'm not into pain.
There's massive re-paving going on in the streets around condoville and only one side of the new bridge is in use and open to traffic. It's like an obstacle course with cones and other construction equipment placed down the middle, not to mention chunks of cement missing from the road surface making driving hazardous - at least for moi.
Meanwhile, new ducklings have made their presence known, swimming behind mom and dad. Amazing how ducklings are born with the ability to swim. Somewhere there are gosslings most likely hidden from the view of prying human eyes.
Summer is the voice of Ms Cruela de Ville...
Monday, June 7, 2010
Art show must go on...and other condoville stuff
The Art Show is a go!
After being in limbo for two weeks, there's good news regarding our annual art exhibition.
Actually found out this piece of information by accident when two of the artists living in the condo building next to ours posted a notice promoting merely their artistic output on our bulletin board. The person organizing the show for whatever reason, never bothered phoning or advising us one way or the other. Most likely the duo artistico took advantage of the opportunity, arranging to display their work. Upon realizing what occurred, the neighbor down the hall and myself who were justifiably livid, decided to create our own notice and hand-delivered it to all the buildings in our area. We'll show them! Anyway, who cares. The main thing is that the show will go on! Last year visitors were sparce but then perhaps Mr. Organizer didn't do his job in promoting the exhibition as he claims! In the end, it can be said that every effort was made this time to ensure that there would be people visiting the exhibition. The show is Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Of course I'll report back...
I've also prepared an art portfolio with photos and information on all the paintings I've created so far. Not sure how many paintings I'm going to exhibit but most likely, as many as possible. Last year people actually showed their paintings on the grass but I have two easels and two table easels that could hold about nine canvases altogether.
Finally the contractors in charge of preparing the swimming pool actually showed up this past weekend. Seems that they claimed to be extremely busy according to the people in charge of the swimming pool portfolio of the condo board, who were most likely bombarded with condovillers asking when the pool was going to be filled. To date the pool has been spray-jet-cleaned and prepared for painting. Period. It still has yet to be painted and then filled for the opening day this Saturday. I don't think so. If not, the condo board better prepare for a mutiny.
The neighbor living in the condo opposite ours is still obsessing (my opinion) over his new floor. While discussing the art show dilemma last week with my neighbor down the hall in front of our apartment, his door suddenly flew open and with measuring tape in hand, he dropped to his knees and measured the wooden floor entrance to his apartment. Of course I glanced inside his apartment and its really sparsely furnished. I call it Extreme-Sparse-Modern.
Meanwhile, aqua fitness is scheduled to start next week. Of course they first need water in the pool...
Today in late afternoon, the white truck with the painted picture of a swimming pool on the side, showed up and an hour later when it drove away, the swimming pool was a rich deep shade of blue. No water - yet - but at least it's one step closer. According to the powers-that-be a.k.a. the condo board, a new and supposedly more efficient pool company was hired to care for the pool this year. This new company claimed to be very busy and hence the reason for the delay. Just realized it's the first time I used the word "hence" in any of my blogs. Maybe I'll use it again in the future.
After being in limbo for two weeks, there's good news regarding our annual art exhibition.
Actually found out this piece of information by accident when two of the artists living in the condo building next to ours posted a notice promoting merely their artistic output on our bulletin board. The person organizing the show for whatever reason, never bothered phoning or advising us one way or the other. Most likely the duo artistico took advantage of the opportunity, arranging to display their work. Upon realizing what occurred, the neighbor down the hall and myself who were justifiably livid, decided to create our own notice and hand-delivered it to all the buildings in our area. We'll show them! Anyway, who cares. The main thing is that the show will go on! Last year visitors were sparce but then perhaps Mr. Organizer didn't do his job in promoting the exhibition as he claims! In the end, it can be said that every effort was made this time to ensure that there would be people visiting the exhibition. The show is Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Of course I'll report back...
I've also prepared an art portfolio with photos and information on all the paintings I've created so far. Not sure how many paintings I'm going to exhibit but most likely, as many as possible. Last year people actually showed their paintings on the grass but I have two easels and two table easels that could hold about nine canvases altogether.
Finally the contractors in charge of preparing the swimming pool actually showed up this past weekend. Seems that they claimed to be extremely busy according to the people in charge of the swimming pool portfolio of the condo board, who were most likely bombarded with condovillers asking when the pool was going to be filled. To date the pool has been spray-jet-cleaned and prepared for painting. Period. It still has yet to be painted and then filled for the opening day this Saturday. I don't think so. If not, the condo board better prepare for a mutiny.
The neighbor living in the condo opposite ours is still obsessing (my opinion) over his new floor. While discussing the art show dilemma last week with my neighbor down the hall in front of our apartment, his door suddenly flew open and with measuring tape in hand, he dropped to his knees and measured the wooden floor entrance to his apartment. Of course I glanced inside his apartment and its really sparsely furnished. I call it Extreme-Sparse-Modern.
Meanwhile, aqua fitness is scheduled to start next week. Of course they first need water in the pool...
Today in late afternoon, the white truck with the painted picture of a swimming pool on the side, showed up and an hour later when it drove away, the swimming pool was a rich deep shade of blue. No water - yet - but at least it's one step closer. According to the powers-that-be a.k.a. the condo board, a new and supposedly more efficient pool company was hired to care for the pool this year. This new company claimed to be very busy and hence the reason for the delay. Just realized it's the first time I used the word "hence" in any of my blogs. Maybe I'll use it again in the future.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Summer state of mind
Summer has officially arrived in condoville. It's really not "official" until the summer party in the park in mid-June but flowers are appearing on the balconies and that's one of the first signs. Not wishing to be different because that's what condo living is about (insert smile here), we did our part and went out and bought some mixed yellow and black/yellow and red pansies, my husband's favorites, bright yellow nicotiana, my favorite, white impatiens and some hanging types for the urns. Very nice selection and the end result is a lot of eye appeal. Interestingly enough and for whatever reason - probably because everyone else does it - most condovillers use pink impatiens. Period. That's it. Pink, pink everywhere. I mean, there are so many other beautiful species and colors and mixes but pure pink is the favorite. We, of course, enjoy being different and choose shades and types that please us. Oh the scandal of it all!
In the end the condo meeting was uneventful, although the no-toys-or-objects-in-the-pool has now officially been entered into the rule book. How dummmb! What are visiting children supposed to do? This includes the "sinkers" that the kids love diving for in the deep end. How convenient that those styrofoam "noodles" are permitted because they're used extensively by the female condo-ites. Some toys are more equal than others one assumes. Also, there was no mention of the pool being closed earlier this summer due to the cost of heating the pool for a limited amount of users. According to directors, it will be closed in the first week of September for maintenance in the pool area.
Still no update on the art exhibition. The organizer was or is supposed to get back to me after contacting all the artists but it's looking more and more like it's not gonna happen, at least for a while if ever. How disappointing. Guess that the artists felt as I did that a mid-week optional date isn't viable.
The pool is supposed to be cleaned and painted this week, weather permitting. Good. That filthy, green/grey, blechy water is really getting disgusting although a lot of it has evaporated. Actually, there is no logical reason for the delay so far since the weather has been ideal for this type of work i.e. hot and dry.
The boaters are out in full force on the lake leaving wave-like ripples as they pass the pedallo boats crawling along near the shore. Life is good in condoville, at least for now. Looking forward to the pool people. Always good for people-watching - and writing material.
In the end the condo meeting was uneventful, although the no-toys-or-objects-in-the-pool has now officially been entered into the rule book. How dummmb! What are visiting children supposed to do? This includes the "sinkers" that the kids love diving for in the deep end. How convenient that those styrofoam "noodles" are permitted because they're used extensively by the female condo-ites. Some toys are more equal than others one assumes. Also, there was no mention of the pool being closed earlier this summer due to the cost of heating the pool for a limited amount of users. According to directors, it will be closed in the first week of September for maintenance in the pool area.
Still no update on the art exhibition. The organizer was or is supposed to get back to me after contacting all the artists but it's looking more and more like it's not gonna happen, at least for a while if ever. How disappointing. Guess that the artists felt as I did that a mid-week optional date isn't viable.
The pool is supposed to be cleaned and painted this week, weather permitting. Good. That filthy, green/grey, blechy water is really getting disgusting although a lot of it has evaporated. Actually, there is no logical reason for the delay so far since the weather has been ideal for this type of work i.e. hot and dry.
The boaters are out in full force on the lake leaving wave-like ripples as they pass the pedallo boats crawling along near the shore. Life is good in condoville, at least for now. Looking forward to the pool people. Always good for people-watching - and writing material.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Condo meeting tonight...decisions, decisions...
Tonight is the annual general meeting of the condo owners. I'm not going but sending my husband as the family representative. This decision was made based on last year's meeting, which I did attend and found - well - tiring to be polite. When we first moved in, we were told that wine and cheese would be served to attendees during a break in the 'action' however, and typically our luck, this practice was discontinued although bottled water was served. Rumor had it that they were cutting back on unnecessary expenditures.
Rumor has it that the condo board directorate has decided to close the pool earlier than in past years citing the expense of keeping a heated pool open for a limited amount of people. While this is true and for whatever reason not everyone takes advantage of the pool, we who do shouldn't be punished. Mind you there are more pool people on the weekends since family members drop by for a swim. Anyway, instructed my husband to bring up the topic for discussion. Perhaps if some people wouldn't insist on keeping the pool temp in the low 80's, we wouldn't be even discussing the issue.
Also, it will be intesteresting to see if anyone brings up the topic of fewer Christmas decorations and lights last season. Presumably, this decision was made as a move not to waste natural resources, totally understandable, but I have to admit I missed all the beautiful (really!) decorations. Let's just say that in the past, the squirrels and other nocturnal and hibernating creatures living in condoville might experience problems sleeping. That bright.
Right now it's all pure speculation, anyway. We'll see.
Rumor has it that the condo board directorate has decided to close the pool earlier than in past years citing the expense of keeping a heated pool open for a limited amount of people. While this is true and for whatever reason not everyone takes advantage of the pool, we who do shouldn't be punished. Mind you there are more pool people on the weekends since family members drop by for a swim. Anyway, instructed my husband to bring up the topic for discussion. Perhaps if some people wouldn't insist on keeping the pool temp in the low 80's, we wouldn't be even discussing the issue.
Also, it will be intesteresting to see if anyone brings up the topic of fewer Christmas decorations and lights last season. Presumably, this decision was made as a move not to waste natural resources, totally understandable, but I have to admit I missed all the beautiful (really!) decorations. Let's just say that in the past, the squirrels and other nocturnal and hibernating creatures living in condoville might experience problems sleeping. That bright.
Right now it's all pure speculation, anyway. We'll see.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Where there if life - and artists - there is hope
There could be good news regarding the condo art exhibit that was cancelled a mere couple of weeks ago. Received a phone call from the organizer who informed me that the show could be on again, if the artists are willing or interested in the idea. The only fly in the ointment so to speak is that if I understood him correctly, the day selected is Wednesday. If so, logically, this is not a good idea since people don't attend art related events in the middle of the week. We'll be looking at each other's paintings: "oh -I love your latest creations!" I mean - that's nice and all but having outsiders look them over is exciting. Anyway, the organizer is supposed to get back to me at which time I'll ascertain whether it will be a mid-week event. If so - I'll have to think it over but hopefully in the end it will be re-scheduled for a weekend. All of this means I'm back in a full painting mode.
Unrelated, the gardeners made their weekly visit. Looks like we're going to have a beautiful display this summer. It has to be an improvement on last year's offering that featured flowers, which looked half-dead and weird, never-seen-before (at least I've never seen them) species that never did belong or fit in. Went over to chat with one of the gardeners to express my delight and admiration for the work. In spite of giving compliments in both English and French language, somehow we weren't communicating for some reason or the other. I mean, he should have picked up on what I was saying just by my speaking tone, the smile on my face and my pointing to the ground. Oh well - it's the end result that counts.
The pool is still filled with dirty water. It's supposed to open the second week in June so there's still time one presumes, to fix and paint it. The condo board directors don't seem concerned.
And so it goes...
Unrelated, the gardeners made their weekly visit. Looks like we're going to have a beautiful display this summer. It has to be an improvement on last year's offering that featured flowers, which looked half-dead and weird, never-seen-before (at least I've never seen them) species that never did belong or fit in. Went over to chat with one of the gardeners to express my delight and admiration for the work. In spite of giving compliments in both English and French language, somehow we weren't communicating for some reason or the other. I mean, he should have picked up on what I was saying just by my speaking tone, the smile on my face and my pointing to the ground. Oh well - it's the end result that counts.
The pool is still filled with dirty water. It's supposed to open the second week in June so there's still time one presumes, to fix and paint it. The condo board directors don't seem concerned.
And so it goes...
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Aqua fitness is not necessary good for one's health
Picked up a sheet of paper dropped off at the front door announcing that aqua fitness is offered once again in the pool in the first week in June. At the top of the sheet is a photo of the group of participants, hands in air and big smiles on their faces. At least they resemble smiles. Actually, they look like they're having a good time but this could be because the session is over. Ask me about it - I know - having taken it two summers ago with Ms Aqua Fitness Cruella Deville. That's not her real name, obviously, but let's just say that she is a very avid, enthusiastic instructor who really enjoys barking out orders and leave it at that. Her workout includes the use of small weights on feet and hands plus other torturous twists, bends and jerks but for me it's either one or the other and not both, or pain is the result and I'm not into pain. Ms AQdeV, however, could be.
The pool is heated to a temperature ranging anywhere from 79-85 degrees fahrenheit, with emphasis on the higher end numbers. It all depends on whether people using the pool find the water on the coolish side and how many complaints are registered. It could be 95 degrees air tempeature in a blazing sun with no wind but the pool must be above 80 degrees or people complain. But I digress.
The aqua fitness participants seem to enjoy MAQdeV commands and she does count well in two languages, french and english. There is a lot of social chat and interaction between and during the actual exercising focusing on the temperature of the water, always good for a 10 minute opener to where people vacationed during the winter. Perhaps it's a means in which to ignore the pain. Who knows. The icing on the proverbial cake for me was working out in the rain. One would assume that the lessons would be cancelled in heavy rain but this wasn't a good enough reason to cancel. Twice I showed up for aqua under grey, threatening skies in the hope that the sun would emerge, only to have the sky open up with the end result being a torrential downpour. Even more dumb is that five of us stayed and exercised for the entire hour, even though we couldn't see MAQdeV's face. In retrospect, it was probably a blessing.
So I'm passing on her offer but the memory of our encounter remains whenever I hear those infamous words, "" The pain has gone but the memory lingers on.
The pool is heated to a temperature ranging anywhere from 79-85 degrees fahrenheit, with emphasis on the higher end numbers. It all depends on whether people using the pool find the water on the coolish side and how many complaints are registered. It could be 95 degrees air tempeature in a blazing sun with no wind but the pool must be above 80 degrees or people complain. But I digress.
The aqua fitness participants seem to enjoy MAQdeV commands and she does count well in two languages, french and english. There is a lot of social chat and interaction between and during the actual exercising focusing on the temperature of the water, always good for a 10 minute opener to where people vacationed during the winter. Perhaps it's a means in which to ignore the pain. Who knows. The icing on the proverbial cake for me was working out in the rain. One would assume that the lessons would be cancelled in heavy rain but this wasn't a good enough reason to cancel. Twice I showed up for aqua under grey, threatening skies in the hope that the sun would emerge, only to have the sky open up with the end result being a torrential downpour. Even more dumb is that five of us stayed and exercised for the entire hour, even though we couldn't see MAQdeV's face. In retrospect, it was probably a blessing.
So I'm passing on her offer but the memory of our encounter remains whenever I hear those infamous words, "" The pain has gone but the memory lingers on.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Bummer - no condo art exhibition this summer
Real downer. Found out there won't be an art exhibition (and sale as the case may be) this summer between our condo building and the one next door. Go know why.
A couple of years ago, a few of the condo-ites living in the building next to us showed off their artistic renderings outdoors. Some people stopped to look them over while on their way to the pool including me. Last year somebody took charge and the event was expanded to include artists or people who believe they're artists, including those in our building. Loved the idea especially since I paint and the most difficult problem was to select canvases to frame. In the end I chose five landscapes and two floral paintings. Truly amazing the degree in which frames enhance a canvas. But I digress.
We were about fifteen artists with varying degrees of talent (painting is subjective as they say) and we set up our displays outside around the two condo buildings. In spite of perfect weather conditions, there really weren't a lot of visitors but it was wonderful to have strangers comment and examine one's work. The surprise was that I sold my first canvas. I'm told this means that I can call myself a professional artist, now. Go figure!
However, as is the case in life, nothing lasts forever and in this instance, not even for one year. A phone call to the man in charge last year who lives in the building next door to find out the exhibition dates, indicated that it wasn't to be. He mumbled something to the effect that there wasn't enough interest and other stuff I couldn't make out. His response was very vague, which indicates to me that perhaps - just perhaps - the artists living in the building next door want to keep the show solely for themselves. We'll see next month if this is the case when the exhibit usually takes place. I mean - even if they do set up shop, not much I can do. I suppose I could boycott them or make snide remarks about their art work... Or a better idea would be to find out if there's any artists living in our building and if so, we can set up our own show. We'll show them!
Meanwhile, no work has started on cleaning out the pool. It's still filled with yucky, grey, murky water. Hard to believe that it will be ready for swimming in a month. I've already washed the beach towels in preparation.
There's dandelions growing everywhere in wild abandon, since it's forbidden to use harmful weed killer. Meanwhile, the multi-color tulip display in the park accross the road is magnificent.
And so it goes...
A couple of years ago, a few of the condo-ites living in the building next to us showed off their artistic renderings outdoors. Some people stopped to look them over while on their way to the pool including me. Last year somebody took charge and the event was expanded to include artists or people who believe they're artists, including those in our building. Loved the idea especially since I paint and the most difficult problem was to select canvases to frame. In the end I chose five landscapes and two floral paintings. Truly amazing the degree in which frames enhance a canvas. But I digress.
We were about fifteen artists with varying degrees of talent (painting is subjective as they say) and we set up our displays outside around the two condo buildings. In spite of perfect weather conditions, there really weren't a lot of visitors but it was wonderful to have strangers comment and examine one's work. The surprise was that I sold my first canvas. I'm told this means that I can call myself a professional artist, now. Go figure!
However, as is the case in life, nothing lasts forever and in this instance, not even for one year. A phone call to the man in charge last year who lives in the building next door to find out the exhibition dates, indicated that it wasn't to be. He mumbled something to the effect that there wasn't enough interest and other stuff I couldn't make out. His response was very vague, which indicates to me that perhaps - just perhaps - the artists living in the building next door want to keep the show solely for themselves. We'll see next month if this is the case when the exhibit usually takes place. I mean - even if they do set up shop, not much I can do. I suppose I could boycott them or make snide remarks about their art work... Or a better idea would be to find out if there's any artists living in our building and if so, we can set up our own show. We'll show them!
Meanwhile, no work has started on cleaning out the pool. It's still filled with yucky, grey, murky water. Hard to believe that it will be ready for swimming in a month. I've already washed the beach towels in preparation.
There's dandelions growing everywhere in wild abandon, since it's forbidden to use harmful weed killer. Meanwhile, the multi-color tulip display in the park accross the road is magnificent.
And so it goes...
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Of screens and barbeques
Every Spring the local window screen repairer sends around a notice that he will be making his yearly appearance. Somehow everybody has at least one screen that needs repairing or replacing. We're replacing the screen in our den. He's got a good thing going. People bring their screens to him since he sets up shop in the parking lot.
Today we're setting up the barbeque on the balcony. This is what summer is all about. Nothing like the flavor of barbequed steaks or chicken although it does have a tendency to make smoke. Some of the condo-ites feel it's below them to barbeque what with the smell of cooking food wafting in the air. To them I say: yummy!
The "in" thing now is to install striped canvas curtains around the balcony presumably for privacy. According to the condo regulations all the curtains have to be the same color. Condo living means that everyone is equal - and the same. Personally, this does not appeal to me whatsoever. Cuts the light and sunshine. Then again, that appeals to some people.
Heard from the man in the condo building next door who is in charge of the painting exhibition. The show showcases the work of artists living in our building and the condo bldg. next door. Amazing the number of people who paint in two buildings. Anyway, he informed me that he is checking into how many artists want to partipate again. Wanna bet they all do?
Today we're setting up the barbeque on the balcony. This is what summer is all about. Nothing like the flavor of barbequed steaks or chicken although it does have a tendency to make smoke. Some of the condo-ites feel it's below them to barbeque what with the smell of cooking food wafting in the air. To them I say: yummy!
The "in" thing now is to install striped canvas curtains around the balcony presumably for privacy. According to the condo regulations all the curtains have to be the same color. Condo living means that everyone is equal - and the same. Personally, this does not appeal to me whatsoever. Cuts the light and sunshine. Then again, that appeals to some people.
Heard from the man in the condo building next door who is in charge of the painting exhibition. The show showcases the work of artists living in our building and the condo bldg. next door. Amazing the number of people who paint in two buildings. Anyway, he informed me that he is checking into how many artists want to partipate again. Wanna bet they all do?
Friday, April 30, 2010
Condo meeting and other stuff
The condo meeting held this week was not well attended, so I'm told since I wasn't there. It ended up being about the physical state of the building, which appears to be in okay shape. We'll see how this translates down the line into dollars.
Meanwhile, the signs are up to sell two apartments with real estate agents and potential clients a common sight. You know they're agents since they walk around with clip boards and papers supplying important details, which potential buyers need to know. The most desirable apartments, obviously, are those with balconies that overlook the river and are located on higher floors. This is also reflected in the asking price. Yesterday an agent brought someone to what I call the over-look, a small paved landscaped area overlooking a great view of the river and our pool. Problem is the pool is not lat its best since it still requires cleaning and the annual coat of paint. Still, the gardeners have been here and the landscaping is looking good. Always fun to see who buys, what.
Still haven't spotted any substantial numbers of ducks or geese and curious as to where or why they've disappeared. Normally at this time of the year, there would be loud ducky quacks and goosey honks heard everywhere. What has changed this year from last year? The water level is low but that should make the pickings easier. Is there an animal predator that is using them for supper? Very strange...
The Clickety-Clacks have returned from their Florida vacation. That would be our upstairs neighbors, one of whom wears shoes that tell us in which part of the house they're walking. Actually, we shouldn't even hear anything since there are rules indicating that owners are required to install soundproofing material to avoid this occurrence. Obviously, the Clickety-Clacks ignore this reality in the hope that nobody will notice. I notice! At some point in the near future, they will be advised.
And so life goes on in Condoville...
Meanwhile, the signs are up to sell two apartments with real estate agents and potential clients a common sight. You know they're agents since they walk around with clip boards and papers supplying important details, which potential buyers need to know. The most desirable apartments, obviously, are those with balconies that overlook the river and are located on higher floors. This is also reflected in the asking price. Yesterday an agent brought someone to what I call the over-look, a small paved landscaped area overlooking a great view of the river and our pool. Problem is the pool is not lat its best since it still requires cleaning and the annual coat of paint. Still, the gardeners have been here and the landscaping is looking good. Always fun to see who buys, what.
Still haven't spotted any substantial numbers of ducks or geese and curious as to where or why they've disappeared. Normally at this time of the year, there would be loud ducky quacks and goosey honks heard everywhere. What has changed this year from last year? The water level is low but that should make the pickings easier. Is there an animal predator that is using them for supper? Very strange...
The Clickety-Clacks have returned from their Florida vacation. That would be our upstairs neighbors, one of whom wears shoes that tell us in which part of the house they're walking. Actually, we shouldn't even hear anything since there are rules indicating that owners are required to install soundproofing material to avoid this occurrence. Obviously, the Clickety-Clacks ignore this reality in the hope that nobody will notice. I notice! At some point in the near future, they will be advised.
And so life goes on in Condoville...
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Filling in the spaces
Wow! Maybe this is something our local municipal government should consider implementing given the number of potholes we have.
A frustrated gardener and cyclist, Steve Wheen, has found a creative means in which to deal with potholes in an eye-appealing way. He drives around London, England on his bike and when he spots potholes, which aren't difficult to miss, he fills them in not with tar or cement but cyclamen, narcissus and polyanthus blooms among others. He chooses roads that are quiet with less traffic, which would be perfect for condoville.
Anyway, here is his site for anyone who wants to find out more information:
Speaking of Spring road clean-up, a year ago our municipality embarked on a project to replace one of the bridges that leads to our area. The job took longer than anticipated since there was some type of misunderstanding between the groups participating in the work and now work is about to begin on the other bridge. Actually, as a walker, I can attest to the necessity of a replacement since the surface of the sidewalks are badly cracked and I've tripped on jutting cement on numerous occasions.
A special meeting has been called for next week, topic unknown. Speculation and rumor has it that special building work is planned on the building and we're gonna be assessed to pay for the improvements. If so, we'll see what they plan to do.
A frustrated gardener and cyclist, Steve Wheen, has found a creative means in which to deal with potholes in an eye-appealing way. He drives around London, England on his bike and when he spots potholes, which aren't difficult to miss, he fills them in not with tar or cement but cyclamen, narcissus and polyanthus blooms among others. He chooses roads that are quiet with less traffic, which would be perfect for condoville.
Anyway, here is his site for anyone who wants to find out more information:
Speaking of Spring road clean-up, a year ago our municipality embarked on a project to replace one of the bridges that leads to our area. The job took longer than anticipated since there was some type of misunderstanding between the groups participating in the work and now work is about to begin on the other bridge. Actually, as a walker, I can attest to the necessity of a replacement since the surface of the sidewalks are badly cracked and I've tripped on jutting cement on numerous occasions.
A special meeting has been called for next week, topic unknown. Speculation and rumor has it that special building work is planned on the building and we're gonna be assessed to pay for the improvements. If so, we'll see what they plan to do.
Monday, April 19, 2010
The snowbirds have returneth home
Like something out of a sci-fi novel or movie, the mass disappearance of condo-ites that began in autumn ended in April with the return of the "snow birds." Evenly tanned skin announces to the "pale-ers" who stuck it out in winter weather: "look at us you poor, disadvantaged regular, pale people - we spent the winter in Florida!" This year mind you, the tan wasn't that marked due to the miserable weather they had to suffer.
So now they're back home and walking their fashionably dressed mini-sized pooches, who never bark at squirrels or cats or any of the normal temptations that bother most dogs. They are either extra-ordinary dogs with extra-ordinary, easy-going temperment or are rendered bark-less breeds with the help of human surgical intervention if you get my drift. Seems there are regulations set down by the condo board as size limitation of the dogs, hence the miniatures.
Their outfits are something out of a doggie designer catalogue and raincoats, hat and boots aren't unusual for the pampered set on wet Spring days, or heavy jackets, leggings and snow boots to deal with the cold, blustery winter temps. I mean, being normal is just not an acceptable word or option. Makes one wonder, though, given the number of people in parts of the world who go hungry and homeless.
There were signs posted throughout the building today announcing the condo annual general meeting next month. I'm actually toying with the idea of attending to make a point about pool regulations. Seems there is a rule, which is being followed to the letter that one cannot bring any type of toy i.e. floating basketball/volleyball sets, balls, sinkers or rings used by children to dive to the bottom of the pool for retrieval. Nothing. Nada whatsoever. This was discovered when I bought some of the above-mentioned watery diversions at the dollar store and was informed by one of the condo board directors that toys/games were forbidden. I can understand games that take up pool space but sinkers? You throw them, they sink to the bottom and are retrieved. I'm quite P.O.'d about it, actually, and just might express my opinion - or get my husband to do it for me. There are always people who find something negative when the kids are present. "Don"t splash!" is a common complaint uttered by many. I mean - c'mon - it's a pool filled with water for heaven's sake! Don't go in the pool if you don't want to get wet! Heaven forbid they should get their perfectly coiffed hair damp!
I've actually heard Mr. Guy Across the Hall communicating with some of the neighbors a few mornings ago, an indication that he stays there at some point although he sure makes himself scarce. I mean, he doesn't have to mix and mingle with others and he did say hello to somebody. At least he appears satisfied with his floor since there haven't been any work people visible.
Tomorrow I'm going to check out the path that runs along the river - and the ducks and hopefully, the Canada geese. Life in condoville is good.
So now they're back home and walking their fashionably dressed mini-sized pooches, who never bark at squirrels or cats or any of the normal temptations that bother most dogs. They are either extra-ordinary dogs with extra-ordinary, easy-going temperment or are rendered bark-less breeds with the help of human surgical intervention if you get my drift. Seems there are regulations set down by the condo board as size limitation of the dogs, hence the miniatures.
Their outfits are something out of a doggie designer catalogue and raincoats, hat and boots aren't unusual for the pampered set on wet Spring days, or heavy jackets, leggings and snow boots to deal with the cold, blustery winter temps. I mean, being normal is just not an acceptable word or option. Makes one wonder, though, given the number of people in parts of the world who go hungry and homeless.
There were signs posted throughout the building today announcing the condo annual general meeting next month. I'm actually toying with the idea of attending to make a point about pool regulations. Seems there is a rule, which is being followed to the letter that one cannot bring any type of toy i.e. floating basketball/volleyball sets, balls, sinkers or rings used by children to dive to the bottom of the pool for retrieval. Nothing. Nada whatsoever. This was discovered when I bought some of the above-mentioned watery diversions at the dollar store and was informed by one of the condo board directors that toys/games were forbidden. I can understand games that take up pool space but sinkers? You throw them, they sink to the bottom and are retrieved. I'm quite P.O.'d about it, actually, and just might express my opinion - or get my husband to do it for me. There are always people who find something negative when the kids are present. "Don"t splash!" is a common complaint uttered by many. I mean - c'mon - it's a pool filled with water for heaven's sake! Don't go in the pool if you don't want to get wet! Heaven forbid they should get their perfectly coiffed hair damp!
I've actually heard Mr. Guy Across the Hall communicating with some of the neighbors a few mornings ago, an indication that he stays there at some point although he sure makes himself scarce. I mean, he doesn't have to mix and mingle with others and he did say hello to somebody. At least he appears satisfied with his floor since there haven't been any work people visible.
Tomorrow I'm going to check out the path that runs along the river - and the ducks and hopefully, the Canada geese. Life in condoville is good.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Spring arrives/ed in condoville
The snow has disappeared for more than a month now and the warmer temps are bringing out the condoville regulars for daily promenades. Actually, the ducks never left if ducks fly off somewhere in winter. They lingered near the bridges where pedestrians stroll and waited for handouts to sustain them over the winter. They got them - and then some.
Around the building the outdoor pool still has the remnants of melted snow in the form of dirty water. Before it is filled with clean, sparkling water, it will require its usual maintenance and coat of paint. If this isn't performed before the really warm weather sets in, there will be grumbles from condo dwellers speculating as to if the pool will be ready for its June opening.
This winter the owners of the condo living next to the garbage chute on our floor complained that people were disposing their garbage too late in the evening, in addition to it making excessive noise allowing the chute door to slam. I can imagine that being a pain in the middle of the night when you're trying to sleep. The problem was solved by adding (I'm told) some type of magnetic device that prevents anyone from disposing trash after 9 p.m. Sounds reasonable to me.
Last year a new owner bought the condo apt. directly accross from ours. He completely renovated the entire interior and laid a new wood floor. For whatever reason he doesn't appear satisfied with the job since the floor guys have been back at least three times that I'm aware of. Actually, visually it looks gorgeous having seen peeks of it whenever the floor guys left the door open. I'm wondering what they could be doing since they're always measuring and there's noise from machinery obviously being used. The owner himself is an enigma. I'm not even sure he lives there. We've passed each other in the hall perhaps twice during the year and muttered the usual social niceties but somehow I get the feeling that he doesn't spend much time there. Perhaps he's planning to flip the apartment, which is his perogative. Weird...
There's an open house today indicating that we're going to have some new condovillers. There's definitely been a change of owners this winter. The best time to see all the newbies is when hanging out at the pool but that's later on. Meanwhile, I'm going to make a point of finding out about Mr. Accross-the-Hall.
Around the building the outdoor pool still has the remnants of melted snow in the form of dirty water. Before it is filled with clean, sparkling water, it will require its usual maintenance and coat of paint. If this isn't performed before the really warm weather sets in, there will be grumbles from condo dwellers speculating as to if the pool will be ready for its June opening.
This winter the owners of the condo living next to the garbage chute on our floor complained that people were disposing their garbage too late in the evening, in addition to it making excessive noise allowing the chute door to slam. I can imagine that being a pain in the middle of the night when you're trying to sleep. The problem was solved by adding (I'm told) some type of magnetic device that prevents anyone from disposing trash after 9 p.m. Sounds reasonable to me.
Last year a new owner bought the condo apt. directly accross from ours. He completely renovated the entire interior and laid a new wood floor. For whatever reason he doesn't appear satisfied with the job since the floor guys have been back at least three times that I'm aware of. Actually, visually it looks gorgeous having seen peeks of it whenever the floor guys left the door open. I'm wondering what they could be doing since they're always measuring and there's noise from machinery obviously being used. The owner himself is an enigma. I'm not even sure he lives there. We've passed each other in the hall perhaps twice during the year and muttered the usual social niceties but somehow I get the feeling that he doesn't spend much time there. Perhaps he's planning to flip the apartment, which is his perogative. Weird...
There's an open house today indicating that we're going to have some new condovillers. There's definitely been a change of owners this winter. The best time to see all the newbies is when hanging out at the pool but that's later on. Meanwhile, I'm going to make a point of finding out about Mr. Accross-the-Hall.
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