The neighbors directly above us or maybe not directly above us but somewhere nearby, it's difficult to ascertain the source of the noise, is doing something to their floor. Most likely trading in their carpet for wood floors. Carpets are passe and wood is in. Thing is...there's a lot of noise involved in the preparation and the sound is akin to a dentist filing teeth and the effect is similar. Every time the noise stops, my ears ring in response. Hopefully, the noise will cease soon - it better since condo rules say all work has to stop by 5:00 p.m. Can't wait. Anywaaaay...
It would have been better had the weather cooperated with cool-ish temps and threatening grey skies but the art exhibition went on, regardless. In the end, the guy in charge of getting the show together came through posting notices everywhere in and around condoville a couple of days before the show, on trees and along the walking path near the river. Thing is...he didn't bother advising all of the artists and creative types that there was going to be a show and therefore participants were few and far between. There were approximately six or seven of us: three painting artists, two jewelry creators who did great business - jewelry always sells - and my neighbor down the hall who makes beautiful hand-made dolls. I even sold one of my flower paintings. Also bought a very nice necklace because we artists have to support each other and besides the price was right and I needed a new piece. Still, the show could have still been better if there had been more exhibitors, who in turn would have brought in more visitors. Insert big sigh here. There's always next year. A few of us discussed the idea of changing the venue to the park accross the road. The setting is perfect and I can envision displaying art work and other artistic endeavors in the green space. Even have a name for it already: "Art In the Park." In case of rain, we could have a tent on stand-by. Don't know how well the idea will go over with the powers-that-be since the park is privately owned. Still, it's something worth pursuing.
As the art show went on, the pool was at long last being filled. This was probably more exciting to condo-villers than mere art. One of the administrators cautioned a very avid and anxious swimmer against using the pool since the water heater required time to kick in and the water would be cold. Wanna bet she'll be swimming, anyway? She'll have to wait since the weather forecasters predict a rainy week. Still, can't get wetter than wet...
Next week Ms. Aqa Finess Cruela de Ville will be giving her first class, rain or no rain. Won't be long before her sweet, melodious voice will fill the air counting down numbers, leading the masses in pain and hopefully, some gain. Perhaps I'll lounge on the sidelines and watch and snicker to myself. I'm not into pain.
There's massive re-paving going on in the streets around condoville and only one side of the new bridge is in use and open to traffic. It's like an obstacle course with cones and other construction equipment placed down the middle, not to mention chunks of cement missing from the road surface making driving hazardous - at least for moi.
Meanwhile, new ducklings have made their presence known, swimming behind mom and dad. Amazing how ducklings are born with the ability to swim. Somewhere there are gosslings most likely hidden from the view of prying human eyes.
Summer is the voice of Ms Cruela de Ville...
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