Condoville Art Display

Condoville Art Display
A taste of my artistry

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Summer state of mind

Summer has officially arrived in condoville. It's really not "official" until the summer party in the park in mid-June but flowers are appearing on the balconies and that's one of the first signs. Not wishing to be different because that's what condo living is about (insert smile here), we did our part and went out and bought some mixed yellow and black/yellow and red pansies, my husband's favorites, bright yellow nicotiana, my favorite, white impatiens and some hanging types for the urns. Very nice selection and the end result is a lot of eye appeal. Interestingly enough and for whatever reason - probably because everyone else does it - most condovillers use pink impatiens. Period. That's it. Pink, pink everywhere. I mean, there are so many other beautiful species and colors and mixes but pure pink is the favorite. We, of course, enjoy being different and choose shades and types that please us. Oh the scandal of it all!

In the end the condo meeting was uneventful, although the no-toys-or-objects-in-the-pool has now officially been entered into the rule book. How dummmb! What are visiting children supposed to do? This includes the "sinkers" that the kids love diving for in the deep end. How convenient that those styrofoam "noodles" are permitted because they're used extensively by the female condo-ites. Some toys are more equal than others one assumes. Also, there was no mention of the pool being closed earlier this summer due to the cost of heating the pool for a limited amount of users. According to directors, it will be closed in the first week of September for maintenance in the pool area.

Still no update on the art exhibition. The organizer was or is supposed to get back to me after contacting all the artists but it's looking more and more like it's not gonna happen, at least for a while if ever. How disappointing. Guess that the artists felt as I did that a mid-week optional date isn't viable.

The pool is supposed to be cleaned and painted this week, weather permitting. Good. That filthy, green/grey, blechy water is really getting disgusting although a lot of it has evaporated. Actually, there is no logical reason for the delay so far since the weather has been ideal for this type of work i.e. hot and dry.

The boaters are out in full force on the lake leaving wave-like ripples as they pass the pedallo boats crawling along near the shore. Life is good in condoville, at least for now. Looking forward to the pool people. Always good for people-watching - and writing material.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Condo meeting tonight...decisions, decisions...

Tonight is the annual general meeting of the condo owners. I'm not going but sending my husband as the family representative. This decision was made based on last year's meeting, which I did attend and found - well - tiring to be polite. When we first moved in, we were told that wine and cheese would be served to attendees during a break in the 'action' however, and typically our luck, this practice was discontinued although bottled water was served. Rumor had it that they were cutting back on unnecessary expenditures.

Rumor has it that the condo board directorate has decided to close the pool earlier than in past years citing the expense of keeping a heated pool open for a limited amount of people. While this is true and for whatever reason not everyone takes advantage of the pool, we who do shouldn't be punished. Mind you there are more pool people on the weekends since family members drop by for a swim. Anyway, instructed my husband to bring up the topic for discussion. Perhaps if some people wouldn't insist on keeping the pool temp in the low 80's, we wouldn't be even discussing the issue.

Also, it will be intesteresting to see if anyone brings up the topic of fewer Christmas decorations and lights last season. Presumably, this decision was made as a move not to waste natural resources, totally understandable, but I have to admit I missed all the beautiful (really!) decorations. Let's just say that in the past, the squirrels and other nocturnal and hibernating creatures living in condoville might experience problems sleeping. That bright.

Right now it's all pure speculation, anyway. We'll see.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Where there if life - and artists - there is hope

There could be good news regarding the condo art exhibit that was cancelled a mere couple of weeks ago. Received a phone call from the organizer who informed me that the show could be on again, if the artists are willing or interested in the idea. The only fly in the ointment so to speak is that if I understood him correctly, the day selected is Wednesday. If so, logically, this is not a good idea since people don't attend art related events in the middle of the week. We'll be looking at each other's paintings: "oh -I love your latest creations!" I mean - that's nice and all but having outsiders look them over is exciting. Anyway, the organizer is supposed to get back to me at which time I'll ascertain whether it will be a mid-week event. If so - I'll have to think it over but hopefully in the end it will be re-scheduled for a weekend. All of this means I'm back in a full painting mode.

Unrelated, the gardeners made their weekly visit. Looks like we're going to have a beautiful display this summer. It has to be an improvement on last year's offering that featured flowers, which looked half-dead and weird, never-seen-before (at least I've never seen them) species that never did belong or fit in. Went over to chat with one of the gardeners to express my delight and admiration for the work. In spite of giving compliments in both English and French language, somehow we weren't communicating for some reason or the other. I mean, he should have picked up on what I was saying just by my speaking tone, the smile on my face and my pointing to the ground. Oh well - it's the end result that counts.

The pool is still filled with dirty water. It's supposed to open the second week in June so there's still time one presumes, to fix and paint it. The condo board directors don't seem concerned.

And so it goes...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Aqua fitness is not necessary good for one's health

Picked up a sheet of paper dropped off at the front door announcing that aqua fitness is offered once again in the pool in the first week in June. At the top of the sheet is a photo of the group of participants, hands in air and big smiles on their faces. At least they resemble smiles. Actually, they look like they're having a good time but this could be because the session is over. Ask me about it - I know - having taken it two summers ago with Ms Aqua Fitness Cruella Deville. That's not her real name, obviously, but let's just say that she is a very avid, enthusiastic instructor who really enjoys barking out orders and leave it at that. Her workout includes the use of small weights on feet and hands plus other torturous twists, bends and jerks but for me it's either one or the other and not both, or pain is the result and I'm not into pain. Ms AQdeV, however, could be.

The pool is heated to a temperature ranging anywhere from 79-85 degrees fahrenheit, with emphasis on the higher end numbers. It all depends on whether people using the pool find the water on the coolish side and how many complaints are registered. It could be 95 degrees air tempeature in a blazing sun with no wind but the pool must be above 80 degrees or people complain. But I digress.

The aqua fitness participants seem to enjoy MAQdeV commands and she does count well in two languages, french and english. There is a lot of social chat and interaction between and during the actual exercising focusing on the temperature of the water, always good for a 10 minute opener to where people vacationed during the winter. Perhaps it's a means in which to ignore the pain. Who knows. The icing on the proverbial cake for me was working out in the rain. One would assume that the lessons would be cancelled in heavy rain but this wasn't a good enough reason to cancel. Twice I showed up for aqua under grey, threatening skies in the hope that the sun would emerge, only to have the sky open up with the end result being a torrential downpour. Even more dumb is that five of us stayed and exercised for the entire hour, even though we couldn't see MAQdeV's face. In retrospect, it was probably a blessing.

So I'm passing on her offer but the memory of our encounter remains whenever I hear those infamous words, "" The pain has gone but the memory lingers on.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Bummer - no condo art exhibition this summer

Real downer. Found out there won't be an art exhibition (and sale as the case may be) this summer between our condo building and the one next door. Go know why.

A couple of years ago, a few of the condo-ites living in the building next to us showed off their artistic renderings outdoors. Some people stopped to look them over while on their way to the pool including me. Last year somebody took charge and the event was expanded to include artists or people who believe they're artists, including those in our building. Loved the idea especially since I paint and the most difficult problem was to select canvases to frame. In the end I chose five landscapes and two floral paintings. Truly amazing the degree in which frames enhance a canvas. But I digress.

We were about fifteen artists with varying degrees of talent (painting is subjective as they say) and we set up our displays outside around the two condo buildings. In spite of perfect weather conditions, there really weren't a lot of visitors but it was wonderful to have strangers comment and examine one's work. The surprise was that I sold my first canvas. I'm told this means that I can call myself a professional artist, now. Go figure!

However, as is the case in life, nothing lasts forever and in this instance, not even for one year. A phone call to the man in charge last year who lives in the building next door to find out the exhibition dates, indicated that it wasn't to be. He mumbled something to the effect that there wasn't enough interest and other stuff I couldn't make out. His response was very vague, which indicates to me that perhaps - just perhaps - the artists living in the building next door want to keep the show solely for themselves. We'll see next month if this is the case when the exhibit usually takes place. I mean - even if they do set up shop, not much I can do. I suppose I could boycott them or make snide remarks about their art work... Or a better idea would be to find out if there's any artists living in our building and if so, we can set up our own show. We'll show them!

Meanwhile, no work has started on cleaning out the pool. It's still filled with yucky, grey, murky water. Hard to believe that it will be ready for swimming in a month. I've already washed the beach towels in preparation.

There's dandelions growing everywhere in wild abandon, since it's forbidden to use harmful weed killer. Meanwhile, the multi-color tulip display in the park accross the road is magnificent.

And so it goes...

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Of screens and barbeques

Every Spring the local window screen repairer sends around a notice that he will be making his yearly appearance. Somehow everybody has at least one screen that needs repairing or replacing. We're replacing the screen in our den. He's got a good thing going. People bring their screens to him since he sets up shop in the parking lot.

Today we're setting up the barbeque on the balcony. This is what summer is all about. Nothing like the flavor of barbequed steaks or chicken although it does have a tendency to make smoke. Some of the condo-ites feel it's below them to barbeque what with the smell of cooking food wafting in the air. To them I say: yummy!

The "in" thing now is to install striped canvas curtains around the balcony presumably for privacy. According to the condo regulations all the curtains have to be the same color. Condo living means that everyone is equal - and the same. Personally, this does not appeal to me whatsoever. Cuts the light and sunshine. Then again, that appeals to some people.

Heard from the man in the condo building next door who is in charge of the painting exhibition. The show showcases the work of artists living in our building and the condo bldg. next door. Amazing the number of people who paint in two buildings. Anyway, he informed me that he is checking into how many artists want to partipate again. Wanna bet they all do?