At long last, somebody finally - accent on the finally - removed the dried out Christmas tree put up last December with lights clinging pathetically to its limp, brown branches.. Or holiday tree depending on your personal beliefs. It's about time! There is nothing sadder than a fir tree that has lost its color and dead. Why 'they' waited so long is anybody's guess but given that the area in which it stood is surrounded by trees, the ground probably remained frozen and unyielding to removal. In retrospect, it was a pathetic display, anyway, compared to past years. Pure speculation here but the condo boards were probably looking at the financial bottom line to save money on electricity. Guaranteed this will be brought up at the condo meeting next month. Should be interesting.
Now that the ground is workable, the gardening designer who oversaw the renovation of the overlook/placette has been put in charge of flower planting. Given the price of the renovation, perhaps this is not such a good idea. She showed up in what can be described as designer gardening duds and emptied her car filled with flowering bushes, to be planted in the green stretch of land dividing our two condo buildings. The assistant, who arrived a half-hour later wearing very un-gardening clothes including white/beige colored shoes, was assigned to digging holes for the new shrubs. Bet he never expected to be digging holes dressed like that! He did not appear to be enjoying his task using a straight-edged shovel, the only tool they had obviously brought along, when a spade would have made the job so much easier. One has to question the lack of tools given their gardening task. To her credit, the gardening designer did put on a pair of orange(!) plastic gloves that stretched up to her elbow. Clashed with the rest of her outfit if you ask me. As for the assistant, he disappeared somewhere for a while.
The Day After the Planting
Unbelievable to see but it's snowing and raining outside, today as it has on-and-off for the last couple of days, with the temperature barely above freezing. Hopefully, all the small flowering bushes will survive. April is such a fickle month and perhaps it would have been wiser to wait until the end of the month or the first week in May. But Ms Garden Designer knows better. We'll see.
Another subject that will most likely be brought up at the annual condo meeting is the renovation of the overlook/placette. This is the small landscaped area with seating area, which overlooks the pool. Renovated last year at a steep price, opinion is divided as to its esthetic value, overall. It has gone from a wood-based structure to that consisting of cement and plexi-glass railing. As I mentioned, opinion is divided especially where dollar values is concerned.
The barbeque on the balcony will have to wait for a while although the weather is supposed to turn warm next week. Promises, promises...
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