For once the weather was perfect for an outdoor party with clear skies, a light summer breeze and 70-ish temperature. Every year, twice per year actually, the five condo building associations on the island throw a party in the park accross the street.
The park, owned by the associations, is huge with perfectly maintained tennis courts, a small putting green for desperate golfers or children that could use re-surfacing, a well-equipped children's play area with swings, and some shuffle board courts. All this and beautifully maintained and visually pleasing grounds.
The parties are by invitation only limited to condo owners. Usually there is a good turnout since there is food, which is always a draw, and party sandwiches are the main course at the welcome-summer-party, while the fall fete includes hot corn on the cob and hotdogs. Always amazes me how people suddenly turn into a frenzied mass of unfed animals where there is food, jostling and pushing in line lest they run out. The "hot" item was pizza and people rushede in line to ensure they get a slice. Like they've never eaten pizza before! Throughout the evening a DJ played music ranging from Lady GaGa to Barry Manilow although participants were few and far between. A few hours into the party and tickets were drawn for prizes. As usual we didn't win while the group at the table next to us took home two gifts. Once the prizes were depleted and the DJ had played "Mandy" too often plus the mosquitos made themselves felt, people started drifting back to their condo buildings.
The strains of the music from the one-man-band DJ drifted through the quiet summer air until 11 p.m. while we watched the evening news reports on the Gulf oil spill and the ensuing repercussions feeling somewhat guilty.
Condoville Art Display
A taste of my artistry
Friday, June 25, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
Rules rule the pool
It's a beautiful, warm sunny day with nary a cloud in the sky. Birds are in fine form, chirping away while on the river, boat owners take advantage of the perfect conditions moving their water-bound vehicle accross the water leaving ripples in their wake. The newly painted pool is finally open and condo-villers are making use of it. Morning is when the lap swimmers do lengths while the afternoon is for the casual set in designer bathing suits to lounge around the pool.
Interesting that in spite of all the media reports about the danger of skin cancer, there are sun worshippers who are obviously convinced that a tan is preferable to having to go through treatment for cancer. They appear to not be convinced since their solution is to apply sun protection lotion and then broil in the sun for a couple of hours.
While on the elevator, noticed that the power(s)- that-be posted all their rules governing the pool. Lots of "can't do's" like absolutely no water or food whatsoever in the pool area, even though there are three tables and beach umbrellas presumably for this purpose, no toys in the pool (a personal grit-my-teeth rule) and so on. Have to confess that on occasion I bring along a container of apple juice and take an occasional swig hiding my face in my beach bag when nobody is looking. I'm sure somebody is watching, somewhere on their balcony and a rumor will circulate that I'm an alcoholic. One of the strangest rules and it seems applicable in most private pools I've visited, is that swimmers must take a shower before entering the water. There is a big sign posted on the wall between the changing/bathrooms so this must be an important issue. The only logical reason that comes to mind is that this rule was created in case would-be swimmers wear dirty bathing suits and/or don't bathe and thereby could pollute the pool. I mean, why else is this rule applied? The pool thermometer is back hanging from a rope after its disappearance last year. The thermometer is a favorite gathering spot for swimmers and is checked frequently by those who feel the temperature shouldn't be below 80 degrees F. 79 is too cool and 82 is definitely preferable. I'm among the latter.
Aqua fitness should start any time now providing there is enough joiners. I'll know the exact moment when Ms Aqua Fitness Cruela de Ville's lilting voice echoes throughout. I'm sure she means well...then again...
Interesting that in spite of all the media reports about the danger of skin cancer, there are sun worshippers who are obviously convinced that a tan is preferable to having to go through treatment for cancer. They appear to not be convinced since their solution is to apply sun protection lotion and then broil in the sun for a couple of hours.
While on the elevator, noticed that the power(s)- that-be posted all their rules governing the pool. Lots of "can't do's" like absolutely no water or food whatsoever in the pool area, even though there are three tables and beach umbrellas presumably for this purpose, no toys in the pool (a personal grit-my-teeth rule) and so on. Have to confess that on occasion I bring along a container of apple juice and take an occasional swig hiding my face in my beach bag when nobody is looking. I'm sure somebody is watching, somewhere on their balcony and a rumor will circulate that I'm an alcoholic. One of the strangest rules and it seems applicable in most private pools I've visited, is that swimmers must take a shower before entering the water. There is a big sign posted on the wall between the changing/bathrooms so this must be an important issue. The only logical reason that comes to mind is that this rule was created in case would-be swimmers wear dirty bathing suits and/or don't bathe and thereby could pollute the pool. I mean, why else is this rule applied? The pool thermometer is back hanging from a rope after its disappearance last year. The thermometer is a favorite gathering spot for swimmers and is checked frequently by those who feel the temperature shouldn't be below 80 degrees F. 79 is too cool and 82 is definitely preferable. I'm among the latter.
Aqua fitness should start any time now providing there is enough joiners. I'll know the exact moment when Ms Aqua Fitness Cruela de Ville's lilting voice echoes throughout. I'm sure she means well...then again...
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Getting art-sy in condoville and other observations du jour
The neighbors directly above us or maybe not directly above us but somewhere nearby, it's difficult to ascertain the source of the noise, is doing something to their floor. Most likely trading in their carpet for wood floors. Carpets are passe and wood is in. Thing is...there's a lot of noise involved in the preparation and the sound is akin to a dentist filing teeth and the effect is similar. Every time the noise stops, my ears ring in response. Hopefully, the noise will cease soon - it better since condo rules say all work has to stop by 5:00 p.m. Can't wait. Anywaaaay...
It would have been better had the weather cooperated with cool-ish temps and threatening grey skies but the art exhibition went on, regardless. In the end, the guy in charge of getting the show together came through posting notices everywhere in and around condoville a couple of days before the show, on trees and along the walking path near the river. Thing is...he didn't bother advising all of the artists and creative types that there was going to be a show and therefore participants were few and far between. There were approximately six or seven of us: three painting artists, two jewelry creators who did great business - jewelry always sells - and my neighbor down the hall who makes beautiful hand-made dolls. I even sold one of my flower paintings. Also bought a very nice necklace because we artists have to support each other and besides the price was right and I needed a new piece. Still, the show could have still been better if there had been more exhibitors, who in turn would have brought in more visitors. Insert big sigh here. There's always next year. A few of us discussed the idea of changing the venue to the park accross the road. The setting is perfect and I can envision displaying art work and other artistic endeavors in the green space. Even have a name for it already: "Art In the Park." In case of rain, we could have a tent on stand-by. Don't know how well the idea will go over with the powers-that-be since the park is privately owned. Still, it's something worth pursuing.
As the art show went on, the pool was at long last being filled. This was probably more exciting to condo-villers than mere art. One of the administrators cautioned a very avid and anxious swimmer against using the pool since the water heater required time to kick in and the water would be cold. Wanna bet she'll be swimming, anyway? She'll have to wait since the weather forecasters predict a rainy week. Still, can't get wetter than wet...
Next week Ms. Aqa Finess Cruela de Ville will be giving her first class, rain or no rain. Won't be long before her sweet, melodious voice will fill the air counting down numbers, leading the masses in pain and hopefully, some gain. Perhaps I'll lounge on the sidelines and watch and snicker to myself. I'm not into pain.
There's massive re-paving going on in the streets around condoville and only one side of the new bridge is in use and open to traffic. It's like an obstacle course with cones and other construction equipment placed down the middle, not to mention chunks of cement missing from the road surface making driving hazardous - at least for moi.
Meanwhile, new ducklings have made their presence known, swimming behind mom and dad. Amazing how ducklings are born with the ability to swim. Somewhere there are gosslings most likely hidden from the view of prying human eyes.
Summer is the voice of Ms Cruela de Ville...
It would have been better had the weather cooperated with cool-ish temps and threatening grey skies but the art exhibition went on, regardless. In the end, the guy in charge of getting the show together came through posting notices everywhere in and around condoville a couple of days before the show, on trees and along the walking path near the river. Thing is...he didn't bother advising all of the artists and creative types that there was going to be a show and therefore participants were few and far between. There were approximately six or seven of us: three painting artists, two jewelry creators who did great business - jewelry always sells - and my neighbor down the hall who makes beautiful hand-made dolls. I even sold one of my flower paintings. Also bought a very nice necklace because we artists have to support each other and besides the price was right and I needed a new piece. Still, the show could have still been better if there had been more exhibitors, who in turn would have brought in more visitors. Insert big sigh here. There's always next year. A few of us discussed the idea of changing the venue to the park accross the road. The setting is perfect and I can envision displaying art work and other artistic endeavors in the green space. Even have a name for it already: "Art In the Park." In case of rain, we could have a tent on stand-by. Don't know how well the idea will go over with the powers-that-be since the park is privately owned. Still, it's something worth pursuing.
As the art show went on, the pool was at long last being filled. This was probably more exciting to condo-villers than mere art. One of the administrators cautioned a very avid and anxious swimmer against using the pool since the water heater required time to kick in and the water would be cold. Wanna bet she'll be swimming, anyway? She'll have to wait since the weather forecasters predict a rainy week. Still, can't get wetter than wet...
Next week Ms. Aqa Finess Cruela de Ville will be giving her first class, rain or no rain. Won't be long before her sweet, melodious voice will fill the air counting down numbers, leading the masses in pain and hopefully, some gain. Perhaps I'll lounge on the sidelines and watch and snicker to myself. I'm not into pain.
There's massive re-paving going on in the streets around condoville and only one side of the new bridge is in use and open to traffic. It's like an obstacle course with cones and other construction equipment placed down the middle, not to mention chunks of cement missing from the road surface making driving hazardous - at least for moi.
Meanwhile, new ducklings have made their presence known, swimming behind mom and dad. Amazing how ducklings are born with the ability to swim. Somewhere there are gosslings most likely hidden from the view of prying human eyes.
Summer is the voice of Ms Cruela de Ville...
Monday, June 7, 2010
Art show must go on...and other condoville stuff
The Art Show is a go!
After being in limbo for two weeks, there's good news regarding our annual art exhibition.
Actually found out this piece of information by accident when two of the artists living in the condo building next to ours posted a notice promoting merely their artistic output on our bulletin board. The person organizing the show for whatever reason, never bothered phoning or advising us one way or the other. Most likely the duo artistico took advantage of the opportunity, arranging to display their work. Upon realizing what occurred, the neighbor down the hall and myself who were justifiably livid, decided to create our own notice and hand-delivered it to all the buildings in our area. We'll show them! Anyway, who cares. The main thing is that the show will go on! Last year visitors were sparce but then perhaps Mr. Organizer didn't do his job in promoting the exhibition as he claims! In the end, it can be said that every effort was made this time to ensure that there would be people visiting the exhibition. The show is Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Of course I'll report back...
I've also prepared an art portfolio with photos and information on all the paintings I've created so far. Not sure how many paintings I'm going to exhibit but most likely, as many as possible. Last year people actually showed their paintings on the grass but I have two easels and two table easels that could hold about nine canvases altogether.
Finally the contractors in charge of preparing the swimming pool actually showed up this past weekend. Seems that they claimed to be extremely busy according to the people in charge of the swimming pool portfolio of the condo board, who were most likely bombarded with condovillers asking when the pool was going to be filled. To date the pool has been spray-jet-cleaned and prepared for painting. Period. It still has yet to be painted and then filled for the opening day this Saturday. I don't think so. If not, the condo board better prepare for a mutiny.
The neighbor living in the condo opposite ours is still obsessing (my opinion) over his new floor. While discussing the art show dilemma last week with my neighbor down the hall in front of our apartment, his door suddenly flew open and with measuring tape in hand, he dropped to his knees and measured the wooden floor entrance to his apartment. Of course I glanced inside his apartment and its really sparsely furnished. I call it Extreme-Sparse-Modern.
Meanwhile, aqua fitness is scheduled to start next week. Of course they first need water in the pool...
Today in late afternoon, the white truck with the painted picture of a swimming pool on the side, showed up and an hour later when it drove away, the swimming pool was a rich deep shade of blue. No water - yet - but at least it's one step closer. According to the powers-that-be a.k.a. the condo board, a new and supposedly more efficient pool company was hired to care for the pool this year. This new company claimed to be very busy and hence the reason for the delay. Just realized it's the first time I used the word "hence" in any of my blogs. Maybe I'll use it again in the future.
After being in limbo for two weeks, there's good news regarding our annual art exhibition.
Actually found out this piece of information by accident when two of the artists living in the condo building next to ours posted a notice promoting merely their artistic output on our bulletin board. The person organizing the show for whatever reason, never bothered phoning or advising us one way or the other. Most likely the duo artistico took advantage of the opportunity, arranging to display their work. Upon realizing what occurred, the neighbor down the hall and myself who were justifiably livid, decided to create our own notice and hand-delivered it to all the buildings in our area. We'll show them! Anyway, who cares. The main thing is that the show will go on! Last year visitors were sparce but then perhaps Mr. Organizer didn't do his job in promoting the exhibition as he claims! In the end, it can be said that every effort was made this time to ensure that there would be people visiting the exhibition. The show is Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Of course I'll report back...
I've also prepared an art portfolio with photos and information on all the paintings I've created so far. Not sure how many paintings I'm going to exhibit but most likely, as many as possible. Last year people actually showed their paintings on the grass but I have two easels and two table easels that could hold about nine canvases altogether.
Finally the contractors in charge of preparing the swimming pool actually showed up this past weekend. Seems that they claimed to be extremely busy according to the people in charge of the swimming pool portfolio of the condo board, who were most likely bombarded with condovillers asking when the pool was going to be filled. To date the pool has been spray-jet-cleaned and prepared for painting. Period. It still has yet to be painted and then filled for the opening day this Saturday. I don't think so. If not, the condo board better prepare for a mutiny.
The neighbor living in the condo opposite ours is still obsessing (my opinion) over his new floor. While discussing the art show dilemma last week with my neighbor down the hall in front of our apartment, his door suddenly flew open and with measuring tape in hand, he dropped to his knees and measured the wooden floor entrance to his apartment. Of course I glanced inside his apartment and its really sparsely furnished. I call it Extreme-Sparse-Modern.
Meanwhile, aqua fitness is scheduled to start next week. Of course they first need water in the pool...
Today in late afternoon, the white truck with the painted picture of a swimming pool on the side, showed up and an hour later when it drove away, the swimming pool was a rich deep shade of blue. No water - yet - but at least it's one step closer. According to the powers-that-be a.k.a. the condo board, a new and supposedly more efficient pool company was hired to care for the pool this year. This new company claimed to be very busy and hence the reason for the delay. Just realized it's the first time I used the word "hence" in any of my blogs. Maybe I'll use it again in the future.
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