Condoville Art Display

Condoville Art Display
A taste of my artistry

Monday, July 26, 2010

Of painted balconies, flowers and the pool

Summer is at the mid-way point and there are signs that preparations are afoot for the oncoming autumn. All the condo-villers were advised that the cement ceilings of the balconies are to be painted. Really, visually they look okay to me, as does their neutral beige shade but obviously there must be more to it than visual appeal. Perhaps the coats of paint protect the cement or something. Anyway...this means that we have to take down our three hanging plants and hooks. Mr. Don't-Hold-My-Legs will be standing on a chair and doing the honors as I watch and offer helpful suggestions like "don't you want me to hold on to your legs?" and "be careful - you could fall!" Important things like that. Speaking of flowers, this was truly a bumper year for all my plants including those in the flower boxes and urns. They all have to be moved to allow for the ladders and balcony painters. The hanging plants don't like it when their hanging parts are squished on the ground level so some will succumb and break off. Oh well - won't be long before they will meet their maker so-to-speak since the plants and earth are emptied on to the bank of the river. There's something very poetic about that act me thinks.

Divine day at the pool. Perfect weather for lounging with gusty winds that allowed for short periods of tanning. Didn't go in the water but everyone who did says the water temperature was fantastic. I'll take their word for it. Finished my Monday New York Times crossword puzzle. Monday is a "do-able" puzzle as is Tuesday but by Friday, I'm at the dozen word stage. Sometimes I don't even understand the clues, never mind fill in the squares. Listened to music on my ear phones and heard one of my all-time favorite songs, "Solsbury Hill" by Peter Gabriel. I like! Is there anything better than the summer time and listening to oldies music by a swimming pool?

Once August rolls around, preparations get under way for the autumn version of the party in the park. This time 'round they will be serving up freshly boiled corn, hot dogs, wine/soft drink, dessert. The fall party is always better attended than the Spring one, for one reason or another. The usual DJ will do his version of Barry Manilow's greatest hits and break out with an occasional Lady GaGa, along with many Latin dances, always popular. Hips will sway, bums will wiggle and feet will go along for the ride.

Will be checking out the ducks tonight during a walk on the path near the river and hoping for a woodchuck sighting. Life is good.

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