At the point when the days get longer and there is a warming trend in the weather, the condovillers leave their winter coccoons. In the months of January through March and once the snow birds begin their sojourn down south, the streets are more or less devoid of people. There are the winter stalwarts who brave frigid temperatures and all weather conditions but most of us - well - hibernate.
The small mini pooches clad in smart winter attire by their owners including leather boots(!) turn into dogs again in Spring, wearing nothing on their backs except their fur. There are still some remnants of winter with a few Christmas decorations adorning balconies.
Potholes are abounding in the city but actually they're scarce in this area of condo-ville. If this gets out to the rest of the community they could complain it's favoritism. I'm not saying anything.
The pool is the jewel in the crown so to speak and the opening at the end of June is anxiously anticipated. Last summer the new pool maintenance company for whatever reason, used the wrong type of paint resulting in a slippery surface. It should have and easily could have been re-painted in autumn but it wasn't. This means having to wait for said pool maintenance company to rectify the slippery situation. Said company were slow to prepare the pool altogether last year resulting in a delay in the pool opening. Said company should be replaced with someone who knows what they're doing, at least IMHO. We'll know shortly if there are any changes and whether things will be fixed.
Last summer the flower display was...there - that's the best that can be said or written about it. Seems that every year there is less emphasis on this area one presumes as a result of savings by the condo association. This year perhaps I'll express my feelings at the annual condo meeting in the hope that it will return to its former visual glory. I won't hold my breath, though.
Meanwhile, the duck population has awakened from its sleep or wheatever ducks do during the winter. The Canada geese, however, have not returned. Some people would say this is good but not me. They are a harbinger of the season to come. After all - what's Canada without their geese?